
Primary Photos Important?

How important is a member's Primary (Profile) Photo?
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Votes: 888 Male 131 Female 1019 Total
Member Comments ?
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
for me, the reviews are more important than primary photos :)
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I’m primarily looking for sensual massage, and I’m very visual and tactile, so appearance is important.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I go through everyone in my search results nearby requesting a Primary Photo if it is hidden. If I like what I see once I eventually get approved to see their Primary Photo I will engage further. Why don't you share your face? Are you famous? Are you paranoid someone is going to out you as (shock!) a massage swap enthusiast! OMG just join the community and have fun! You make so much more work for members and it takes soo much more time to connect.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
A current face photo is required before meeting. There's a certain vibe or essence that comes through with a photo that helps determine compatibility and whether or not to meet.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I have an image in my profile…I choose to not put up a primary: I don’t want someone to swap with based on looks, but if they’re interested enough in info…they’ll click on the profile and see a headshot
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
visual is very's a safety thing for me
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Uploading a photo is just basic courtesy for massage exchange. Also, it needs to be a recent photo. Some folks have 10+ year old photos as their profile photo. It is almost 2023, so upload some recent photos when time allows.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
What gets me are requests for your private gallery when they do not have a single photo
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I want to see who I'm talking to
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Pictures are nice, but they don't have to be set as primary.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I fully understand why someone wont put one up but a social meet first compensates for this.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
It is good to see a photo at some point but it doesn’t have to be primary
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Weather it is really them or not or even their current age you should have an idea of who your talking to, massage is personal contact between two people and if they can’t send a picture are they really going to show up for a massage exchange?
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
It's a bit awkward when you don't know what the person looks like that you're talking with about a massage it's like to try to hide something or there hasn't it about putting the photo on there for some reason I'm just more comfortable when the person has a primary photo on The profile page
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Some photo is very helpful, but it doesn't have to be a primary photo.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I'm surprised at the number of people who do not have at least one face photo on their profile page.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
Ive blocked photoless profiles. I dont talk to a blank wall! Get the hint!
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
How do you expect me to get a feel for whether I'd like to exchange with you if I don't know what you look like?
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Happy with a photo pass instead.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
For privacy I do not post a primary photo, they are available upon request. I assume the same for others. But I wont Meet until I can verify that the person I spoke with is the same person I am meeting. If the pics dont match then I am out. no catphishing and that means if you send a pic from a decade ago and dont look the same..I will assume you are not the same person.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I feel its very important that people who are interested in meeting you can see who they are going to meet and the body that hopefully they will be massaging
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
If I can't see who I'm communicating with then I feel that they are hiding something.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Safety first always see a pic before meeting, it’s got nothing to do with looks.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
Just reading everyone's comments in the polls is why I keep my photo private.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Will be happy to supply photo after initial contact and exchanging information of what we are looking for.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
It always makes me wonder when someone is unwilling to share a photo. What are they hiding? If I can't trust someone to share their picture, why would I trust anything else they list in their profile?
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I respect everyone’s privacy in websites like these. Especially if you’re a licensed professional. I think after an initial email exchange you get a feel of someone’s intention and then can ask for a photo pass.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I fail to understand how a person looks, can be such an important factor for a massage exchange. If they are warm, friendly and capable of providing a decent quality exchange, then why should their appearance be an issue?
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Many people including myself have to be discrete for varied reasons. Therefore they will not display a face pic on their profile. But most of us would have a photo pass to send or would email pics privately. Massage exchange should allow non face pics as profile photos, then more would display s pic.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Inc photo pass
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It's best to see who I will be meeting
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Everyone is entitled to their privacy. I don't judge by appearances. I do not display a Primary photo because these are accessible publically - a google of massageexchange and a town name brings up all primary photos for that town - this is without logging in! I always offer a phtoo pass and ask for, but do not insist on, one prior to meeting
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Pictures always make a deference.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
Find it uncomfortable communicating with faceless profiles
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I won't meet without seeing at least a couple of recent pics.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
My interest is s their description of what they need and able to give . My preference is to know that they offer a safe and descreit environment and are real. I would like a picture inorder to be assured that I am meeting the person in the profile.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It does not have to be a primary photo, but I will not agree to meet for an exchange until he shares a photo. It has nothing to do with looks or attraction and everything to do with safety and honesty. The face in the photo and the face at the door have to match.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Having a primary photo, with your face shown, just implies you are an honest person, male or female.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Although the way the person looks is irrelevant having a picture shows an openness and honesty which I value. The first thing I get asked by females is for a photograph, even though how I look will not change or enhance their massage skills. So fair is fair please put a photo up if asked for one.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I'm reluctant to set up an exchange if someone isn't forthright enough to send a photo to me. I may agree to meet in a public place.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I wont arrange a meet without seeing a primary photo. Its a safety and trust thing.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I'm happy to communicate with everyone and share all the details needed to ensure we are a massage match. It does make it easier to find a person, if I know what they look like, so a photo would help!!
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
It's not hard to have a pic of yourself these days. I won't search for or reply to anyone without a pic.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I don't feel the need to hide my desire to exchange; bad start to the relationship.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
They could have two heads that's double the work .lol
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
After having been on this site for a while I have realised that not all members are computer literate or savvy to have there photo on the profile. So I would normally email them as wait for their response for a while. But definitely not meet unless I see their picture first. I must agree that I do tend to email the members first with photos.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
A photo is important. I understand about a person's desire for privacy, but I want to exchange photos before meeting. If they don't want to exchange, it makes me wonder about the person.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Knowing the person through conversation is more important
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
If they won't bother to put up a photo or two, it is a red flag. Either they lack interest, or they are hiding something. It is not about looks, it is about being genuine and honest.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
if they cant even send a photo no chance im meeting them in person
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Given that ive refused to put one up myself for privacy reasons
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
It is good to see a primary photo to get a bit of an idea of the person or couple that you may potentially meet up with. ln my profile l currently do not have any pics as l don't know how to upload? them as l am not so computer literate. l have found this to be detrimental to meeting others ,perhaps they may feel untrusting of profiles without primary pics. There is also many on this site who l am sure are uncomfortable having a pic visible to all. Thanks Jason
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I really don't find looks important. It's a massage I'm looking exchange
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
With no primary photo it's a blind date. Some people like that but I don't.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Some people, like myself, prefer to keep our photos private. I have a face pic, but not public. I give it to anyone that I am having a conversation with.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I am looking for a good set of hands, not someone to date.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I respect people's desire for privacy. Photos can be exchanged off-line and to ensure safety and comfort, people can meet in public for a coffee first.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I prefer to see who I'm going to massage. If no photos are available, I would probably ask for a meeting first. I do like to see who I'm going to be working with, especially since exchanging is a hobby, not work!!
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Don't ask to see a paying client's photo before they turn up... so what is the difference?
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
when we agree to meet, its time to see and send a photo.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
Considering discretion I can fully understand why a primary photo might not be added. Instead I would prefer a meeting in advance of the massage to discuss boundaries and focus areas. The personality and character of the individual is more important to me than a picture.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I want to see whom I'm meeting, and they should expect no less from me. It's not about looks; I don't care about that at all. It's all about common sense, and personal safety.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
seeing a picture is preferable. I have no problems sharing a body picture but some of us are not able to provide a face picture due to the need to maintain confidentiality.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
...however it doesnt help when the pic you wish to use is not the stated size, i do think that a visual is important, whilst having to state that this isnt a dating site
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I have had a few blind meetings where the person outright lied about their age and appearance. I have no issues with someone who is carrying a few extra pounds. But it sets the meeting off on a bad note if you can tell right away that they have obviously lied about their fitness level or they suddenly age ten years from their profile.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It's always nice to put a face to the profile
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I'm pretty easy to get along with just don't lie,,that is a deal breaker,,,,,
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
caution first
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
But a photo should be available to see, just not necessarily primary photo
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
A Photo is interesting, but whenever you post a photo on the web you lose ownership of it, so I absolutely understand if people refuse to post one. I would prefer to meet in person after seeing each other's photo because there is so much that tells me if we're the right Massage Partners.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
the most important thing is the personality and his skills.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
A photo is essential, to my wife and I. Not only for reasons of how attractive the person may be, but it gives us an idea about body language, weight, clothes, tatoos, expression and so on, all of which can help in matching up with someone we're going to feel at ease with.

We would like serious people only!
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I want to have a private photo to send, but for privacy i don't want a photo of me available for everyone.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
A photo is interesting, but whenever you post a photo on the web you lose ownership of it, so I absolutely understand if people refuse to post one.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Doesnt really matter what the persons looks are as long as they aren't lying from the start.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I figure anyone can send a photo and it doesn't mean its them. So, Ill meet and if its not what they say, then I move on. :-) ---
MassageExchange CommentWe consider posting false photos as FRAUD. Accounts committing FRAUD will be closed. As a result, the vast majority photos will be accurate. If you discover a fraudulent photos, please report it to us.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I will send my photo after communicating with someone
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
Its always better to know a face first
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
C'mon, everyone is curious about what someone they are writing to looks like, it is human nature to wonder especially if you believe you may be sharing a massage with that person. Lots of folks will make a judgement as to whether they want to proceed by seeing the look in a person's eye in their photo. So I've been told.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
A photo shows you the real person.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
A photo doesn't show you the real person.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I don't have a Primary Photo posted myself (I prefer to be discrete), but I'd expect to trade photos before meeting
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
It is important to see who you are communicating with; it's difficult to hold a meaningful discussion with someone who is completely anonymous.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I do like to see the person I will be massaging because even photos are deceptive and the real person is quite different from the picture. I would ask the person to meet me first and then make arrangements and i I Respect privacy
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
if the person doesn't match the photo somethings up
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I always like to communicate with someone before setting up an exchange to get a sense of their interest and expectations , a primary photo is always helpful but not essential
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Some of us value our privacy. I'm not going to put a face pic on ANY public site. I have an honest current one which I'm willing to share based on my comfort level with the individual .Personally I don't care about a primary photo, I'm much more interested in my partner's physical condition. After all we're massaging each
other's bodies, not our faces. It's your website so you can do what you want, but I would urge you not to get so hung up on face pics. Otherwise the site is a good concept.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I never go to anyone that I haven;t seen b4
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I respect privacy but will not agree to meet unless I see their photo for safety precautions. I do not exchange unless we have an initial meet and greet, again for  safety if people are coming to my home. Too many weirdos out there with other agendas, safety first.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Looks are not important.A good massage is.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
For me if they are liying about their identity that's an issue. No need to lie right. Don't need to hide your face or use someone elses soon I'll have my pic on i just haven't given much time to personalize this account.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Just a better way to understand someone with a photo
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I Respect privacy
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I do like to see the person I will be massaging because even photos are deceptive and the real person is quite different from the picture. I would ask the person to meet me first and then make arrangements.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
It really doesn't matter what u look like because I'm interested in who can give the best massage. And what ur personality is. Ok
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Before agreeing to a massage, I want to meet with the individual in a neutral place so that I can get to know them better on a one to one basis. I will not agree to exchange without talking first; the photo is of limited value.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I think message is no sexual thing, all I need to concerned about is a body,for me height/weight ratio is more important so I know the area I'll be working on approximately, facial features and looks are totally irrelevant as I am not going to marry someone.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
However, generally I don't make first contact to a profile without any pics. And non-pic profiles are not on my search list.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
i understand that some people want privacy due to whatever their jobs or other life may be. though massage is personal, putting photos online is not so i get it. so i have no problem asking for a photo and understand if someone is reluctant to do so. then i will move on after that. i always prefer a photo, we are visual people- we like to know what we are going to deal with. i also don't want to feel like i'm getting ready to participate in something that is very intimate and in either my personal space or theirs with someone ashamed or hiding something.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I will always try to reply to all members messages, for me looks are not so important its the way that they treat me that counts, but its nice to see the person you are talking to.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I just don't understand why someone is afraid of posting a photo on ME ... All photos are (should be) rated "G" ... and, there's an opportunity to provide more personal (even nude) photos in a member's "private" folder. It's been stated that ME is NOT a "dating" service or does it promote "sex"...
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
You can tell an awful lot from an expression - it's all in the eyes.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I respect privacey
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
Beauty may only be skin deep, but seeing the skin is helpful. It gives an idea if the person is visually appealling. It helps to establish if the person meets ones basic criteria. Not seeing the photo adds mystery and that can be Xciting also. I'm game either way. The meetup will determine future compatability.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Why the reluctance to show a photo? How can you be shy in these circumstances? You cannot share massage wearing a paper bag over your head!
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
There's going to be touching involved. Might want to see who I'm talking to.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I am interested in a massage to looks. a photo may be necessary after initial contact so you know who to look for when you eventually meet.But if the first meeting is at a public place, photo is not essential. People who are into looks make far too big a deal about photo
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Not important a primary photo at this point
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Like to communicate with all members
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
What's important is how members express themselves in their profiles not how they look. Clearly, one can communicate prior to making any arrangements re massage exchange to make sure we or they are the right fit. Once initial written contact is made and if mutually agreeable then we can exchange pics. Having said that, if a member only wants to see my pic before even bothering to read my profile notes then I'm not interested in meeting with them. If you're primarily interested in how I look then you're looking for hookups and that's not what this site is for. There are plenty of common sense safety precautions you can take re meeting another member and those should be used with or without pic.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
i will send one if asked, if you judge on looks then it's not the job for you! We are all human, not animals!
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I rarely initiate contact without seeing a primary pic. It helps me get a feel for the person.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I'm more interested in somebody with a private photo and some dialog in their profile, than in a primary photo with nothing to indicate their interests, limits, or personality.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Always sceptical of profiles with no photos
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It's cool to know who you're communicating with.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
I like to see a photo just for the purpose of knowing who you are meeting.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
This isn't a dating site. Looks are not really that important as long as the therapist working on me knows what they are doing. I do like seeing a photo before meeting (private photo is fine) just for safety reasons, but it wouldn't change the way I interact on the site.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
If u are persistent, u will get it . If u are consistent, u will keep it I use to care what people thought about me until one day pi tried to pay my bills with their opinions
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
i would not feel comfortable inviting an unseen person to my home, though i have done so few times as in the process of exchanging messages one gets a fairly good idea, and i try to connect voices before the final invite for exchange.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
without a photo it's impossible to meet someone in this day and age
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I will communicate with everyone whether they have a photo or not
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Conversations evolve - photos, if not present initalially, should come as part of the fair and normal exchange shortly after.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
I can understand for sensual massage I guess.
But for Theraputic a face is very comforting.
I scroll past all the ask me for a photo profiles generally.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
As long as they have a Private Photo to provide if there seems to be a connection
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
it's a must.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I really prefer a photo. I do an exchange without as I'm not so concerned what they look like but it an add someone to the top of the list if someone has a nice friendly look.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
For me it's primarily a safety issue.  At least with a photo I will have something to go on if things didn't go too well.  Yes, anyone can post a fake photo but if that person I am to meet isn't the one in the photo then we don't meet.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
To me it just makes sense to know that the person on your doorstep is the person you expect.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
A primary profile photo is always preferable. I wish more people would take the trouble or have the courage to upload a photo. I appreciate that some people do have a genuine need for privacy and anonymity (School teachers for example). I understand that the website needs membership numbers to ensure the continuing success of this site however I would not hesitate to report to the website administrators any member that was uninterested, unwilling or unable to provide a massage and using the website purely for dating & sexual contact.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
It makes me feel like there hiding something if I can't see a photo of them.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
its always nice to see who you are going to massage
besides nothing to hide its a massage
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
A primary photo is necessary for me to even think about contacting the person.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Body type ,to me, makes no difference. But a photo will help put a face to the person you are meeting. I prefer to meet and talk the first time meeting to get to the trust part of this massage exchange. That's just how I like it
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I'm open to all body types so just be honest.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
A primary photo is a simple visual introduction up front.I like to know who I am chatting with in order to engage to meet in person.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Primary photo is nice but equally important is a short introduction as to who that person is and what they're about. It's massage, not marriage.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
If someone is meeting another person, they have a right to know who they are talking to and going to meet. It is a ruse to not have a photo. All phones have the ability to snap a selfie and then send it to your email, download it to your computer, put it in the folder you specify and then upload it to your profile. If you have not done so, and you want to promote yourself as a massage therapist and still refuse to have a photo up on your sitres and on your profiles then you ARE just as BAD as a CREEPER. Put a photo up with the instructions I provided.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
No photo could mean other issues surrounding that member which I am prepared to accept and respect. But, having said that, I would not carry on to make meeting arrangements until I see a photo. I would like to know who is coming to turn up at my door or me at theirs. Simple!
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
Everyone should have a photo!!!!!!!
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I'm not concerned with looks of a person. Only thing that matters to me is the quality of the massage with no sexual intent
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
It's always nice to see who you are communicating with but judging someone by appearance is superficial
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I will not meet anyone without a photo gallery. Most married men will not put Primary photo for obvious reason. The one with Primary photos get my attention.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I know it sounds superficial, but a mutual attraction is as important for me, as someone who knows how to communicate well. Having a primary photo is not essential, as one can always be sent upon request.x
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder!
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Are you ashamed to have your photo on your profile?You put more on Facebook about yourself so everyone can see that!
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Without a primary photo, things are not going to progress. I usually won't initiate a contact without one, unless there is something in the profile that peaks my interest, but will cut someone off without a photo in the first couple of contacts, it's only common manners. After all, photos can be kept private.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I do like to see who I am talking to. I understand there can be difficulties for some people, but hopefully after a chat they will know that they can trust me to be discreet.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I'm most interested in what people say and how they say it.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I don't need a photo to communicate, and will. I will not meet unless I see a photo, it can be primary, secondary or private. But I do not respond well to requests to exchange photos off site via email.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
As long as there are some pix I can see, I don't care if they have a primary or not. No pix at all, no go.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I don't judege by looks but let's face it there's a lot that do.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Not sure why people don't have one in this day and age.

What is this "I need to be discreet" line about? If you are ashamed about people knowing what you are doing then you shouldn't be doing it.I'll massage anyone. It is nice to put a face to the name before we meet.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I'm pretty open minded and will give anyone a chance... photo or not. Hit me up either way.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
It's emportent to see picture of ther person that you talking to
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
It's the internet, not everyone wants their picture posted up, but I think after an initial contact and discussion of doing an exchange then the need to see with whom you are to be massaging becomes a common courtesy.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
At least pit in UR PROFILE U WILL SEND A FEW PIX,,, IVE GOT 3 up,,so people can see me and my energy,,,
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
Everyone likes to see who they are talking to.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
I've been hood winked and miss lead a few times so I chose to speak to a person we has a photo.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I have always been at ease about showing my photo to people. It would be good if more people would have a primary photo available for me to feel more at ease about them.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
As long as I see one picture it's not a problem
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
For those who are moaning about people not having a pic, take a chill pill and move on. No one is forcing you to communicate with anyone. Google is littered with pics of old members and not everyone wants that kind of exposure. Show some maturity.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
A photo helps to generate trust with a stranger.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Everyone should at least have a private photo they will unlock if they want to communicate....
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
it is what people write that's important, then I ask for a phone number and talk before meeting
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
Seeing a photo is more reassuring for me, as a young woman.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
It's important to exchange mail with prospective partners, to build up trust and respect, and to sense that you'll be relaxed whilst exchanging massage. The first time you exchange you are meeting a stranger. A photo helps to put a face to the person you're corresponding with, and may subsequently meet, but that is all. Someone could be an excellent masseur, but if you rate their massage solely on your opinion of their facial looks and choose not to make contact because you don't like their looks, then that is your loss.  Some primary photos show the member as being much younger than they actually are, and give a false impression of who you are meeting.  Some members have significant reasons for not displaying a photo, it would be wrong to suggest that people without a primary photo should be denied an exchange.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
If I want to see what someone looks like, I ask for a private photo pass. I tend not to respond to people who ask for a primary photo without either having one themsleves or without having included a private photo pass in any communication first.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I am less concerned about profiles with or without photos, and more concerned with members who immediately ask for a photo pass without having a photo to share.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Meeting feels more comfortable with a face one has at least viewed & feels safer.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
as a female therapist i won't answer male requests without a photo - ladies are okay. I'll will only send a photo if ask for and it depends on the conversation as well.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
No primary photo - no worries. Generally I'd like to see at least one private photo though. Generally happy to unlock for people who've unlocked theirs for me or who have public photos.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Heck, I think getting ANY response form a member is worth at least a chat. Plenty of time to get to know the other before any commitment is made. I just can't get anyone to respond!!!
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It is understandable that some people feel that they are making themselves vulnerable by putting up a primary photo and I think that allowances need to be made for that. However, I think that it is important that a clear and proper photo is provided before a meeting takes place. If the person wants a massage, they are going to have to turn up and meet the exchange partner and then disrobe for a massage! I would doubt the motives and/or the seriousness of anyone who refused to provide a photo prior to meeting.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
The essence of a person is their ability to communicate. If a reply is forthcoming from a message, than fine, we communicate. Their physical appearance is secondary.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I have several photos of myself in the computer but I just can't find them when I want them.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
we're here for massage and whatever else... if your energies match... so be it!
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I traded with a woman in Syracuse that had no photo. I asked her to send me one and she didn't have any. I asked her to take one for me and she said that the camera on her phone was broken. When she came to my hotel, I saw why she wouldn't send me a picture. I gave her a quick massage and said that I had a headache, so she didn't have to give me one back. I'll never, ever trade with someone without seeing their photo first!
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
For sensual massage, I am more interested in private photos. My interest depends on how the person looks when naked. Your requirements for primary photos are good for therapeutic massage, but for sensual massage these are too rigid to generate interest. I wish I could add a sensual photo as my primary photo.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Photos are important, and should be shared prior to a meet. Unfortunately pictures are taken from many sites and used on others without the owner's permission.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
To make more comfortable
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
It depends on the conversation.
For my own reasons, I choose not to post a photo, but when asked, will share one.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
i respect peoples need for privacy on these websites. This is about massage, NOT dating or something - race colour etc are no issue for me assuming people are honest in the profile about body, age etc i only meet in public the first time anyway or I would have a friend or family member with me
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
You can ask for mine too
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
wife wants to see and choose who gives her a massage!
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
As this is a massage exchange site and not a sex site I don't understand why a member might be reluctant to include a photo on their profile. In addition if I am going to host I am not comfortable inviting someone into my home without seeing a photo for safety & security reasons.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
They must have right age and not lie about it and I need to have pixs to see the person and a few talks before seting any thing up and I only want to work with people who have some clue of massage skills in them as this is not a dateing place
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I am a practicing massage therapist and my time to exchange is limited. Receiving a email and then a primary photo is very important so that you can get to know me and I can get to know you so our time together is fruitful.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
You can't read a book by it's cover but it is nice to put a face to who your talking to.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
Photos are essential before meeting, but happy for them not to be public as I appreciate some people need to be discreet. The photo pass function seems to me to be a sensible approach - although massage is about far more than appearance, I won't meet someone without having seen a photo.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I feel more comfortable having seen a photo, however I respect that like me you may not want your image to be visible to everyone hence will reply to people without photos but would never meet unless I saw a photo.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
i REALLY APPRECIATE IT WHEN A MAN PUTS UP A LEGITIMATE PRIMARY PHOTO. By this I mean, a photo taken recently this year.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
i respect peoples need for privacy on these websites. This is about massage, NOT dating or something - race colour etc are no issue for me assuming people are honest in the profile about body, age etc
i only meet in public the first time anyway unless i have a really strong feeling i would be safe from lengthy emails
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
Primary photos are not important to me, but but I won't agree to meet until I see their photo
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It is good to put a face on the person you are communicating with. Just makes it a bit more believable. Helps alot with trust.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
its how they use their hands not the charm
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
I respect that some people dont want their pic to be public and as such request a photopass,...i wont continue unless a picture has been produced
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Primary photos are not important to me. First contact is always by emails, you can tell a lot by the content and tone of the text. You can also ask for a description if you want to get more details. Imagine a RMT asking a client for a photo prior to rendering services, are we using this as a dating site? or a honest free exchange of our massage skills. I always insist on meeting the person in a public place prior to any exchange. This site serves my purpose with or without a photo.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
Not bothered how people  look so long as they are what they say they are on their profile.  I am more comfortable massaging females, as that's what I'm used to in the past.  Once I am more experienced and confident enough I will accept males or transgender people but I will need to make that decision and not have it thrust upon me by someone claiming to be a gender  they are not.  A photo would help reduce the probability of this happening.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
An image tells so much about a character - shady & sleazy come to mind for many. Unfortunately this site attracts men who say they are qualified but actually then admit upon meet up that they haven't practiced in years except occasional swaps. It is a shame this site offers "free to public" option as this just undermines an entire industry of qualified, good therapists who are trying to make a living from massage. If you want to keep the massage industry alive, ditch this option.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
It is nice to see a photo so I know who I am looking for when we meet in public; however, I will respond to members without one.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I don't put up photos on any public forums or groups, whether it be fishing, Facebook, 4x4driving etc, (its a trust thing!) Happy to provide a photo to anyone that asks and I provide my photo to anyone I message.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
it depends on what feelings I get from the person replying and their profile. I only meet in public the first time!
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
The type of photo is important as well. Quite a few people use this as a dating site or a free massage and feel up. Haven't had a good match in a very long time, and certainly am not going to pay for it. I did meet a wonderful female therapist, and we continue to keep in touch. Glad you put tighter restrictions about qualifications as I had a couple of imposters who said they did massage, but obviously couldn't have gone to school, as they didn't know the first thing about body work. Very shady even with a photo, so wouldn't even think about it without one. Have to talk to the person first as well.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
A photo is nice but is not essential, what is more important is the experience or educational expertise.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
If its for safety, yes, photo's are important. Otherwise it should not make a difference.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
We cant really tell if its really the photo of themselves. People like that have identity problems. I dont see why people dont post a photo. Sure, looks doesnt matter but it helps with the rapport of the conversation. If you have a profile, then, you should post a photo unless you are ashamed of your appearance and most likely your personality. Then you should be in a different website.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
A photo is nice - but I feel like I'd meet someone for coffee/tea before planning a massage anyway - and you can tell SO much more from an in person meeting than from a photo!
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
As long as there's a private photo, then the primary is not essential
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
There are too many men who do not provide a primary photo. Even after requesting a photo, they do not comply. These people should be removed because they are looking for other activities than therapeutic massage.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It's about being open, not about attractiveness.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
A photo is essential, not only for reasons of how attractive the person may be, but it gives subtle clues about body language, weight, clothes, tatoos, expression and so on, all of which can help in matching up with someone we're going to feel at ease with. Several times I have met up with someone ten or even fifteen years older than their photo which can frankly be embarassing, so it's best to ask when it was taken.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I do get leery of members without photos though I personally have that you have to request.
I'll reply asking for a Primary Photo, and move on if they don't add one
Although the way the person looks is irrelevant having a picture shows an openness and honesty which I value. The first Thing I get asked for by a male is a photograph even though how I look will not change or enhance my massage skills. So fair is fair please put a photo up if asked for one.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
The real reason for wanting to see a photo is so you know the person when they arrive. If they give a great massage I could care less what they look like. I can't stand smokers, the smell lingers on their clothing.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Members may not put photos as someone might recognize them. Just ask for their picture and I also ask how old it is as the very first guy I went to see had aged quite a lot in 6 years, but turned out to be the most respectful, kind and passionate person I've ever met. We still exchange massages every week and hopefully might become someone more than a massage partner ;)
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I have found that when I had a primary photo, I was getting a number of contacts that were not serious or legit inquiries. I am more than willing to share my photos with those where a serious exchange can happen.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
No pic no massage I don't want to be put in an uncomfortable position nor should you .
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It does not matter whether someone has their photo or not.What's important is how current is it ?
I have come across several members (guests) whose photos are when they were in their 30s. Now they are in their 50s.
Its infuriating. I have my current pics. What can't u?
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
It is nice to "see" the other person. PS - I hated putting my photo up!
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
As long as we can exchange messages and see what each of us is looking for. As adults can meet and see where we go from there.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It is infuriating when a member without a photo looks at my profile with a photo and then dismisses me out of hand.

I think only members with photos should be able to view other members with photos.

Members without photos should only be able to view other members without photos.

What is there to hide?
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Photos are important
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
i can understand why some people ,(espesially ladys ) dont put profile pic's on here, as a lot of people treat this as a dating site, or an easy way (as they see it), to get peoples cloths off. There are sites for that but when i joined massage exchange it seamed the perfect site for like minded men and women to improve their massage skills or for some people who just like to receive massage, to to be much needed bodys to practice and  perfect techniques and programs and for us to receive honest feedback . I see this as a win,win situation. Shame about those on here for all the wrong reasons, so if in dought ladys, dont put a profile pic on here. Its no problem for the genuine members.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
I want to know what someone looks like because it is a way to judge their character better than words. With no photo I think they are trying to hide something, so that worries me. So I usually won't correspond with a photo-less member.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
It is not so important but it makes the communication more personal to know who you are mailing to see a pic of him/her.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I find it helpful. It adds a personal touch and suggests someone is genuine - although photos can always be fake. It's just part of a personal verification process I guess.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I feel we must respect the wishes of guys who, for whatever reason, do not wish to show a photo on an Internet site. A lot need to have privacy for a variety of reasons.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
as long as they have a photo , whether it is private or primary
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
simply would like to see a photo ..
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
It's been said that this isn't a sex or dating site, and that's technically true. But that's not how it's perceived. (And in truth, that's not how it often works.) I have locked face photos available, and I'll share a photo pass with just about anyone. But I don't have a primary photo posted because I don't want the whole world up in my business.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I'm getting to the point where I may not respond unless someone has a primary photo visible. I'd prefer that it's visible without me having to ask for it. I can understand not sharing private photos but at least primary should be visible. In my experience, they're the ones that have too much to hide and keep secret and I'd prefer not exchanging with them anyway. Thanks for asking the question.
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
why are people so hung up on looks? I am good looking BTW.
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I respect a person's right to privacy but I won't meet anyone without seeing a photo first; it doesn't have to be a primary photo posted on this site.  It has less to do with looks, and more to do with safety / verifying identity.  ...And some of us massage faces too.  ;-)
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
Don't care what a person looks like but no photo suggests there's something to hide
I'll reply to Primary Photo e-mails first, and then others, time permitting
I am always skeptical of the profiles that have no photos.
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
I have a photo. Why can't you boys put one up?
I won't reply to a member without a Primary Photo
I get sufficient e-mails from members with photos so I don't bother with the photo-less ones.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
I would like to exchange photos before we meet so we both know who to look out for;)!
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Not everyone believes this, but there must be at least one other member like me that doesn't have the computer savvy to take a photo and have it squared off neatly next to their profile. For that reason, I respect everyone in the community. How can anyone be certain that the picture next to the profile is truly that person, anyway?
A Primary Photo makes no difference to me
I am more interested in their massage interests than their attractiveness in a photo. Always happy to share photos after initial contact.
I'll communicate with everyone, but I won't agree to meet until I see their Primary Photo
Caution needed
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