
Table or elsewhere?

Where do you usually give a massage?
On a massage table
On a bed
On a futon
On the floor
The back seat of my car
Votes: 1119 Male 62 Female 1181 Total
Member Comments ?
On a massage table
Massage chair or table but usually both.
If you don't have these items yet why not buy them and discover how comfortable you will make your clients and how much more access you have to their body and how comfortable you are working!
On a massage table
A bed if very bad, as it does not support your head and neck correctly and can cause more pain
On a massage table
always on a table. if our sensual massage goes somewhere else it is because Joanne is comfortable. a good massage is not comfortable on a bed
On a massage table
A table makes it much easier to get access to all body parts.
On a massage table
On a table when available but if not floor or depending on where the massage is going to end bed is also acceptable
On a massage table
Although, a Thai mat on the floor is fine. I am looking into getting a mat. I have a portable table, they are very affordable and easy to get!
On a massage table
I prefer a proper massage couch , it provides a hole for the face, head to sit in so your shoulders are resting flat and so avoiding pressure on the neck area as well. It also helps when giving a massage as the couch is the best height.
On a massage table
I always use a table or a massage chair when giving a massage.  I've never received a massage anywhere except on a table or in a massage chair.  It would be backbreaking for me to give a massage of any duration without the proper chair or table.  I know some people think a massage table is "too clinical".  I don't find that to be true at all.
On a massage table
I find that a body at the wrong height gives me back ache. When I had a new kitchen I had them raise the work surfaces for this reason. In one massage I gave I stacked 2 bed bases and then both mattress with a plywood board between (so it wasn't too soft) to raise it to an acceptable height
i don't have a massage table yet, but i do have plenty of really comfy spots for the receiver to melt away into
On a massage table
Massage table is best
On a massage table
I prefer a table, but don't have one. Therefore, I am open to also a bed or futon.
On a massage table
A massage table is by far the best place to get and give a massage.  The one giving the massage is able to provide the best pressure and able to move around easily.
On a massage table
I have two tables, a floor futon and will never do a MassageExchange on a bed because it may imply something else.
On a massage table
Better for massage techniques and pressure.
On a massage table
Where ever is comfortable
On a massage table
If you have a bed...awesome...If not...I will bring mine...just let me know!
On a bed
I have a table and a memory foam but a table is much better for both giver and receiver!
On the floor
I have given massage on all three surfaces. Table, Bed and Floor. Each has their own challenges. Of course Table is the best. But due to lack of space, I prefer to make a large, warm and comfortable area on the floor for a swap and it works quite well. Especially for sensual massage swaps...
On a massage table
I perfer a table as it is easier to get around and is at the perfect height for me.
On a futon
I have exchanged massages with a few guys from a local meetup group. Usually it start with a casual shirtless back and torso massage on a couch in the livingroom. Sometimes we stay there for a full body massage or we go to the master bedroom for more space and comfort. we like it on  a bed since we can stand to use our weight and gravity to apply better pressure while doing a frontal and back full body massage. we end the exchange back on the couch with cuddling and conversation.
On a massage table
On a massage table in my light and airy apartment in Brighton, UK ;)
On a massage table
I use a table most of the time. I have used a bed once but will only use a bed if it is the last choice. On the floor can be good but is real tiresome for your back.
On a massage table
Standing up on a hammock...
On a bed
Would prefer to use table. So if I get more massages I will go get one
On a massage table
I don't mind
On a massage table
A bed isn't firm enough, and sends a mixed message in the bargain. I want to be clear about my intentions, and those of my exchange partner.
On a massage table
I use a table for posture, I find I can use my body weight better on a massage table
On a bed
Massage tables are great for official massages but a good bed can also be very relaxing and provides more space for a variety of experiences. In the end it is wherever my massage partner is comfortable.
On a massage table
It's more comfortable on a table massage,  and more easy to reachthe whole body.
On a massage table
100% massage table. Keep it simple,  relaxing,  enjoyable and your body will feel so much better.
On a massage table
Always on a table, except once on a bed.
On a massage table
On the back of a car??? You must be joking.
On a massage table
Being able to flow when giving my massages is key most important!  So therefore a table is preferred
On a massage table
I have my own table. I always thought beds were too soft to provide the support necessary to give a proper massage unless you had more in mind than relaxation. Using a bed gives a more mixed message. When I didn't have a table available, I used the floor, but it has been a lot of years since then. A firm surface gives me better control of the pressures I apply.
On a bed
I would use a massage table if I had one due to its functionality.
On a massage table
A table is definitely best if one is available. A bed is a good second choice and usually is available, but the lack of a face cradle and difficulty in maneuvering around a large bed can be an issue.
The back seat of my car
On a massage table
I love my massage table and I believe my exchange feels the same.  It is very sturdy, holds up to 1500 pounds, so I can apply as much pressure as needed with confidence.  At times, the table gives me so much maneuverability, that it almost feels like I am dancing around my client. And it is heated and portable!  Beds, futons, floors, and back seats, lack these two key benefits.
On a massage table
There's only ONE place to have a decent massage, and that's on a proper massage table. Anywhere else and you will have back trouble and a lousy massage !
On a massage table
On a Massage Table.  Why compromise either the receiver or giver's body due to poor body mechanics.  I have both a portable and a fixed, electric lift table.  Used tables are very affordable online via Craigslist, ebay, etc.
On the floor
I don't have a table, and a floor (or actually a futon or mat on the floor) would provide more accessibility and leverage than a  bed, I think.
On a bed
Table would be the first preference if there is one..
On a massage table
Wat Pho massage is best performed on the floor; also have table for use when needed.
On a massage table
Has to be a massage table for the benefit of both people. Comfort and ease of use as well.
On a massage table
A massage table is my preference. If I am giving a massage of any length anywhere else I will pay for it the next day. The person I am giving the massage to should expect to get my full attention and if I am having to move around or change position to get comfortable that is an unnecessary distraction.
On a massage table
If a member wants to be serious about MassageExchange, then we should by serious where the massage takes place i.e. on a massage table. On the other hand, there are certain types of massage that are carried out on the floor or even in a massage chair.
On a bed
Wherever my massage partner is comfortable.
On a massage table
A table can offer the best massages anatomically for the receiver and the giver.  You can do far more with a table platform.
On a massage table
table is far better for both the masseur and the client
On a bed
Where ever YOU Are Comfortable with! !!
On a massage table
Massage table.
On a bed
I do intend to find a suitable massage table!
On a bed
While a table is preferred, I don't have one, most of the exchanges I have are on a bed. Works well if there is no foot board and they lay across the end of the bed.
On a massage table
I have my own massage table. I much prefer to massage on a table because it is a better height than a bed and easier to get around. Plus my table has a head hole for when the recipient is on their front. Fortunately my table can fold up and fit in the back of my car for transportation.
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