
Undress Level/Draping

When receiving a massage, how much do you undress? Do you prefer draping?
I leave on gym (or similar) clothing
I leave on underwear; with draping
I leave on underwear; no draping
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Votes: 1670 Male 95 Female 1765 Total
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I prefer to be nude; no draping
As long as both agree, we should both be naked for open relaxation and exploration.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As long as the room is a good temperature
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I am very comfortable with my body, and as long as the other person doesn't mind, i just feel this is the best way to experience a massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Sometimes draping to start for warmth. Therapist wears whatever they are comfortable in especially if therapeutic only.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I believe in Esalen style of massage. I’m a true nudiandni believe the therapist and the client both should be nude and comfortable with their own bodies.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Since my preference is for sensual massage, I see no point in hiding anything. Of course, if my partner has a preference, prefering a striptease or specific clothing, I’m flexible.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer that we are both nude and lots of body contact
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Draped, just long enough to warm up. Prefer skin on skin and full access.
Prefer my massage provider to be nude if they're comfortable with it.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
My preference is that both participants are nude, but each person's comfort level needs to be considered.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I consider it most important that my partner be comfortable with level of draping/nudity… I prefer to be nude…
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Being nude is so much more liberating. As is not being draped.
I leave on underwear; no draping
I'm open but it depends on the other person.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Prefer both parties to be naked
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As long as the room us warm enough, sometimes a drape to start is nice to acclimate but losing it soon after is preferred.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I am happy to be nude from the start.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I would ask what the exchange partner wants first
I leave on underwear; with draping
I prefer the massager to remove when it suits him x
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But I will indress to the comfort level of my partner
I leave on underwear; no draping
For a therapeutic massage I leave my pants on but am happy to have my buttocks massaged. Its nice to start being draped, its a bit of a comfort blanket, but happy to lose the drape after a while. Its good to know how your massage partner feels about draping so everyone is content.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I like draping. Maybe it will be accidentally pulled off your yanked off by my partner..depends on mood
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Much prefer to be nude, but willing to work with a drape if partner desires it.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As long as my partner approves.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Love being naked
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Draping depends on the massage.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I like the excitement of feeling the drape slowly being moved to expose more and more, since the visual is as much a part of the fun as the touching.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As long as it’s warm in the room i prefer just to be nude and well lubed… and if we are both nude I’m sure it will be very warm! Lol
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Assuming the room temperature is decent, no draping for me - I prefer the long, continuous massage strokes that come with not having to move aside draping - it can be distracting.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Of course it depends on what makes the partner/masseusse's comfortable too. But being totally naked and massaged (skil)fully is a magical experience.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
The reason for draping is I get cold. And it's unfair for the massager to be in a hot room while putting so much effort into a massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have been receiving massages for 36 years, since I was 16 years old and definitely prefer to be nude. One reason why I do not like some spas or things like massage envy. I understand they need to because it corporate and protect themselves but it’s not my preference.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I like the warmth of the draping. Plus it adds to the experience when receiving. I'm not sure why, but there is something about having only a section of the body exposed that feels nice. Maybe I just like knowing which area is in focus at that moment. Plus some touches with the draping can be nice too. I like variety.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It's so much more relaxing for both to be nude, easier to massage all body parts
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Both participants nude for me please. It allows both people to see if the session (sensual) is going how they would like it to.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Draping makes me feel uncomfortable. Rolling it up here, pulling down there, sliding aside. it all feels so dirty. Its the same as going to the doctor for an annual exam. I'm much more comfortable nude there too.

I'm an art model and feel very comfortable in my skin.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I love to be touched all over and feel skin to skin
I prefer to be nude; no draping
With draping in some cases.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
When receiving draping helps to keep me comfortable at the beginning, but once a massage is in progress, it can get in the way and become too warm, so I like to start out draped and then remove it. Same with giving, start with being draped if that's what is wanted then let the drape fall away.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Depends on lighting if im on the table. Bright lights need draping. Dim, im ok full nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I enjoy the freedom of being nude, besides with draping there is too much adjustment of the drape. I like the constant flow
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I think it makes it easier to move up and down the body without any cover.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Draping may be necessary to provide comfort depending upon the ambient room temperature
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The best way for me to get an excellent massage is for me to be nude no innovations shown allow the Dial the person given me the massage to have the freedom to massage my body without obstruction
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Him:Depending on room temp, nude no draping.Her: nude with draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer both parts to be naked. Mutual body contact is important during the session.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
It depends on the person doing the massage, nude is great too.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer that we both be naked.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer not of us to be nude during the massage if my partner is ok with it
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Absolutely nude, but the pressure of a sheet is relaxing and adds just the right amt of warmth.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I really love to be nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I enjoy leaving no area untouched. Also I have a table warmer, which makes it so much more enjoyable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I make my entire body available for therapy.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It’s erotic massage, why wear any thing or use drapes? I love being totally nude and undraped to give full freedom to my massage partners, without any boundaries and barriers. I prefer feeling hands going anywhere and exploring my naked body without any restrictions.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Draping restricts the cardinal rule of massage… rhythm, contact and continuity!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I love the skin to skin contact and being able to feel my partner's body,so both nude all the way.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Underwear and draping get in the way of a nice flowing full body massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have always gone nude when receiving. I hate when the flow is stopped because the drape needs to readjusted. And most of my trade partners are comfortable with it.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
My Professional paid massages: undies on and draped. My Free Masssge Swaps: naked undraped
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm comfortable nude or nude and draped
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer nude, but I am happy to wear clothing if requested.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
You too please.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
So sick of boding shaming and the thought that because I have an Outie, I'm some type of creep or rapist. I know it's some of my Gender's fault. but after being a client for 5 years with the same very professional, extremely talented therapist, you'de think we could get over the Wasted time of the "Sheet Diaper" when working glutes etc
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer sensual massages, both nude, with happy endings!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
My thoughts are we shouldn't be ashamed of our bodies. It's not lkke we all haven't seen genitals before.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I am happy with whatever makes my partner most comfy. If the room is really cold, it is good to have a sheet.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Nude is a must, drape optional
I prefer to be nude; no draping
i am not shy about bodies, and prefer the freedom for the hands to go where the body needs them.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be draped in the beginning but no draping eventually.  Especially when doing a sensual massage.  Starting with the draping and then eventually removing the draping to me adds to the overall enjoyment of the exchange.
I leave on underwear; no draping
Undies on, only interested in theraputic massages. Draping is not important, unless it's cold.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I am perfectly comfortable with my body.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
At least initially. If the room is toasty warm, the draping disappears. If its agreeable with my massage partner.
I leave on gym (or similar) clothing
Nude and draping to be respectful to the masseur ..if the Masseur wants to remove the draping , it also is fine with me .
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As a nudist it would be unclothed every time
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Completely nude if both are comfortable with. It. Personally I always prefer nude, I'm more relaxed that way a even better idea is all should be nude and enjoy human nature inside and out. Lol
I leave on underwear; no draping
Would rather be naked/drapped but depends on the comfort level
I prefer to be nude; no draping
there is nothing like the freedom of being in your birthday suit, and having a massage.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Draping helps to keep me at a comfortable temperature in the beginning, but once a massage is in progress, it can get in the way and/or become too warm, so I like to start out draped and then remove it.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Prefer to start this way and prefer draping to be removed as massage progresses and all comfortable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
lot of muscles need attention butt - often professionals avoid this important muscular area
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I will do nude no draping if I am confident the giver will respect my boundaries even if I am accidentally aroused.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I had received lots of massages and I have had draped and Undraped but eventually I became comfortable to massage nude makes thing easier and more enjoyable although the thrill of running your fingers under a draped client also adds to the enjoyment fir both parties
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Licensing requires that "draping be provided" (not necessarily used). But I provide a full sheet drape and will slip-sheet with a towel for certain techniques.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer both of us to be nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
To the level of our comfort.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Naked as well as Therapist.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Just makes it easier. We each know what the other looks like so its no big deal for both to be completely nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Being nude is the best and most comfortable way to message and have most prefer this.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Given the choice I prefer to be nude with no draping as I find that it just feels far more natural, however while I am receiving a professional massage the therapist may prefer me to be draped, I have never had just my underwear on
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Just my preference . But am respectful of others requirmenta
I prefer to be nude; no draping
With both parties nude there are no barriers , both parties are equal and there is no restriction of movement.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
nudist 24/7
I prefer to be nude; no draping
For me I enjoy hands touching all of me.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Both should be nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Both parties nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It all depends on mutual comfort levels and respecting boundaries .
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I think it just feels better that way
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer that we are both naked.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have only had massages when nude and draped, and some with shorts on and draped. They all always felt uncomfortable. I would much prefer fully nude and undraped so the masseuse would not miss some areas. Some clothing and draping can get in the way, sometimes.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I follow flow of therapist. One place I'm completely draped others nude. A combo let's the therapist work to their comfort level.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
My preference but also has to be comfortable with the other person
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude and no draping is my preference, therapeutic or sensual doesn't matter, as long as it is Ok with the Masseuse of course.
I leave on underwear; with draping
Deepen how your feeling so far . If confinience go
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude without draping. The massage is better when it's long smooth strokes without draping or underwear in the way.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
But after a little while draping can be removed our allowed to fall off
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be completely naked and would like the masseuse to be too or topless wearing gstring or thong
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I hate the distraction of the fabric being pulled this way, then that way. It feels like it's fall off, then it gets tugged back up again. Besides, no therapist can connect the whole body unless s/he can pull a stroke from one foot to the opposite shoulder, etc.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The masseur can be (un)dressed to his comfort level
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Always nude, but draping varies. The massage spa near employs asian women, who normally remove the sheet for legs and then replace it.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Also depends on the message received.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like to be naked while getting massaged. And prefer the masseur to be naked as well.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Naked but would drape if required
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Having had nude massages, it would feel a weird backward step to start covering up.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
prefer both parties to be naked but will abide by any rules.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
But the draping can be as simple as a pillowcase or towel. I am not against no draping; I prefer to be comfortable in the setting.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Both parties need to be comfortable. If I go someplace like Massage Envy, I take rthe sheet to be draped. But when making exchanges you've had more opportunity to establish a comfort level with the provider.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
but it depends on the comfort of the person giving the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer male-to-male to be undraped and mutually naked. I find it is the most open and honest way possible to experience the profound bond of shared manhood - nothing is hidden or covered up ... nothing is held back.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Prefer both parties to be nude and no draping in a warm room
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I love giving while naked and I love being naked while receiving, nothing is more erotic.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
If I could have it my way, I would be completely nude, with no draping, every time! But a lot of businesses and therapists have rules against it, so I will be nude with a drape. For me, stripping down and laying nude in front of someone I just met is a rush, but one I know the police won't be called on me for, while getting a massage. I would never just strip down in public, no need to be arrested. As for the masseuse, if he/she wanted to be nude as well, awesome! Just PLEASE don't wear scrubs during the session, that creeps me out.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nothing to hide here
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer nude but if the other person wants to not be nude I respect that.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I prefer to be nude with some draping particularly to start with as this gives a little more comfort and warmth to the areas that are not being worked on , however half way through the massage I am happy to remove the draping to be completely nude. I believe the same should apply when giving a massge but essentially it depends on the client you are massaging.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
With a credible service provider.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be naked and the massuse should be naked aswell
I prefer to be nude; no draping
After all it is all about the body...
I leave on underwear; with draping
Knickers, no bra, always draping!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
both who are giving and getting the massage should be nude , nudity is free and sensual
I prefer to be nude; with draping
A relaxing massage followed by sensuality is addicting and fun. I do enjoy draping (if it means what i think it does LOL)
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have only had a few massages, but have absolutely truly enjoyed each one. They have all been nude, no draping. It was a little uncomfortable for the first few minutes, butt I cannot see how any other way could be any better.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer being naked for a massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Ideally nude with no drape
But therapists choice
Always got Speedos incase
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude with no draping is by far the best. It implies that there are no boundaries or no-go areas (unless previously agreed) and that you have confidence in the giver who should also be nude. It also avoids the oil on clothing problem and creates a freedom unless the giver prefers otherwise.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I am not shy an have been a nudes for long time
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Makes it easy that way and love it all massaged.
I leave on underwear; no draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel that draping detracts from the experience because of all of the tucking and untucking and trying not to expose too much.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude, but what the other is most comfortable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
fully nude so everything can be rubbed
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Naked for both people. Skin to skin contact is a must!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Prefer nude setting for both.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
So many state's have those silly laws it's even funnier in Nevada where a massage parlor and next to a  brothel can't do a massage without draping. Could you imagine the state telling the brothel that they have to do draping it just doesn't make sense so yes I like to be nude when I'm being a massage and massage party to I don't think anybody should be intimidated so both people take their clothes off or both lieve them on.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
i really prefer being totally nude, so as not to obstruct the massage with clothing for the giver and to be more comfortable for me, but again, if the person giving the massage is uncomfortable with that, i can meet their desired covering requirements.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But it takes time for both parties to be comfortable with that. I prefer to start with underwear and no draping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude without cover and place myself completely in the hands of the masseuse. The massage flows uninterrupted then whether giving or receiving.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
naked is best if your going to put yourself in the hands of someone shyness is pointless
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I give the therapist great latitude in controling the drape and exposure. No need to ask if it is OK to expose larger amounts of the body.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel better nude. both giving and receiving, as long as my partner is comfortable with it
I leave on underwear; with draping
Until I become comfortable with person giving massage usually begin with underwear with draping. Later, when and if comfortable would be nude with draping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude no restrictions to flow of massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be have the warm oil spread all over my body....and the masseurs hands all over as restrictions...
I prefer to be nude; with draping
My personal choice is to exchange massage in the nude as there is no oil on your clothes and just gives the feeling both partners being equal. But in the beginning it always preferable to drape the receiver as it gives comfort and adds to the mystery rather than lying completely nude on the table in the presence of a stranger. I offer my recipient/client the option to be draped of nude. There is always a hand towel neatly folded which could cover the private part if is preferred that way. So even when the drape comes off the tiny towel still remains to save embarrassment for some male clients.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Complete nudity for both partners is required for me. I'm relaxed i the nude; my partner should be as well.
I leave on underwear; with draping
Draping can Add some sensuality to massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel more comfortable and relaxed being nude and it seems more natural
I prefer to be nude; no draping
both being totally naked
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Just feels more natural & open
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I only receive massages from a masseur so I prefer to be completely nude so he'll have full access to all areas of my body. I would prefer the masseur to nude as well or wearing only a tiny G-string.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
fully nude up to the massuse's (or massagee's) comfort level.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It's a different experience if you are wearing underwear or draped. The giver needs to slide from your hip to to thigh without breaking contact. Sensual? Maybe, but drapes and underwear are for those not connected with their own body.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
It all depends on my comfort level with the massuese
I leave on underwear; no draping
I enjoy lounging/ getting started wearing a comfy old pair of my tighty whities... also usually wear my undies when I'm giving a massage... :)
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm totally fine with a nude massage. I actually prefer being naked with another guy.
The person giving me the massage can be dressed or not. If they prefer that I be covered that's OK too.
Depends on the type of massage session.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
draping as in a small towel, just to keep from getting cold really. if the room is warm enough its unnecessary... being rubbed by a sheet is uncomfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But room has to be nice and toasty and of course comfortable between both giver and receiver
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I initially prefer to be nude but draped. Then, no draping depending on the comfort level of both exchange partners. It also depends on the room temperature.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I don't like straps or clothes getting in the way of smooth strokes over my body.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer both myself and my massage partner to be 100% fully nude during the entire massage time period.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Draping can always be removed but just in case it can help to repel drafts if present and can also be used to produce a great sensation as part of the massage especially if it is a nylon or silk sheet
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Both should be nude, accidental touching by both parties makes it more enjoyable for sure ...
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The first commercial massage I ever had was a draping marathon with an occasional massage moment. I didn't consider a second massage for several years. I would prefer to be nude, but i assume i'd become aroused--more appropriate for a sensual massage, I guess. I'd discuss with the therapist beforehand how he'd be comfortable proceeding.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It is between the giver and receiver to discuss openly each other's preferences. I provide draping on the table as an option. My comfort level is nude, with no draping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I think it feels better skin touching skin. I have been to places where you can be nude but they put a thick towel over you. Are you kidding me? You can't feel anything. It is also more sensual when both are nude/
I prefer to be nude; no draping
If it's warm enough.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
chlothes and draping just get in the way
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude when being massaged but at the sametime if my partner wants underwear to remain on then that is fine by me.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I just feel more comfortable, and figure the therapist should be used to naked bodies by now. Constant reshuffling of draping wastes a lot of time, and I find it encourages the massaging of a small area at a time instead of long flowing body strokes.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
never had a nude massage... hope i wouldn't get aroused
I prefer to be nude; no draping
love to be fully nude when  receiving  massage if its okay with the   therapist/giver.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
i like being nude and that-my partner be nude s well.
I leave on underwear; no draping
This is my preference and so far l have had 1 massage from a gentleman and he was respectful of my wishes
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel more comfortable if my partner is nude as well.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
mutual nude massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I am fine with nude no draping but whatever is comfortable for both
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I use draping, however I do leave it up to the client as to being totally naked. As for myself, I prefer to be naked and undrapped, however if the practitioner is not comfortable with this I will use a drape.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
nude is less restrictive
I leave on underwear; with draping
I like to be covered somewhat because with a real good massage therapist you do not need to be naked.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
facilitates long full body strokes
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Open to the mood
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude and totally embrace the massage with uninterrupted flow and rhythm.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
i don't like to leave any parts not touched
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Just keep the room warm for me
I leave on underwear; no draping
Depends on the situation
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer nude and no draping. Recently tried with a sheet and was covered at the very start and then the end, a holistic approach. Was a lomi lomi massage and one of the best I have ever had.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Depends on partners level of comfort, I am most comfortable at their level, provides a more relaxed environment. excesive clothing usually decreases the experience.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
more comfy nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Without clothes, your finger/tissue engagement will flow continuously & heightens the sensitive magic in a truly sensual massage.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Uninterrupted flow is best however I understand someplaces have rules...
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Being nude helps out with massage therapy, it is also correlates to individual level of comfort.
I leave on underwear; with draping
I prefer ubderwear as it leaves more to the imagination ( if it's more sensual that is )... If just a deep tissue definitely underwear
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Watch wife get a massage the same way
I prefer to be nude; no draping
So long as partner is totally at ease, otherwise happy to conform to their wishes
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But pending on partner I can adjust.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Being nude helps with the keeping a motion going without restrictions, but it all comes down to the individual and being comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
only gets in the way and covered in oils. Modesty is important though
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude is best for a continuous massage flow.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I love being totally nude when masssaged. It feels more vulnerable and relaxing
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Until I get to know the person working on me better, I will tend to leave on the underwear, but an uninterrupted flow of touch is more satisfying as both the receiver and the giver.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer both parties being nude if both want it that way.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Have to be totally nude for the best massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Why cover what you want massaged and restrict access
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I don't mind nude as long both parties are nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Just as long as everyone's ok with that
I leave on underwear; no draping
But also leave the choice for the Ladies.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like oil used in massage and that works best with on clothes on.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like being nude when being massaged.... prefer to be.. cant get the full affect of it being covered..
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Always depends on room temp. and trust.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Once both parties feel comfortable draping can be removed.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Prefer both to be nude, but can be draped until both are comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Clothing gets in the way and doesn't provide for continuity of the massage. I prefer both the giver and receiver be nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I don't mind being nude if both the parties are ok with it.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
NO one should think they can enter my private area through a massage. I am a professional, and am disgusted at the the thought of NO draping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
We dont take a bath with clothes on so why get a massage with clothes or drapping, however we must respect the other persons wishes.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude, no draping, as it enables a more continuous massage experience, and as others have noted, especially for sensual massage. I also prefer the masseuse/masseur to be nude as well, it kind of levels  the experience for both.  But I understand and respect other viewpoints, so will wear shorts if required.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Only way to get a good massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Love being totally nude!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It's always difficult to give a very nice full body massage if the person is covered.
I leave on underwear; no draping
In need of a massage because of a car crash lots of neck pain and wear what's comfortable with both people also only like the opposite sex to give the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer for both to be nude. Same goes for professional massages.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I feel clothing gets in the way, but draping is a good way to get comfortable first and once both parties are feeling ok the draping can be removed
I prefer to be nude; no draping
In the right setting and comfort level

I prefer to be nude; with draping
minimum cover
I prefer to be nude; no draping
love being nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Really open minded and comfortable with nudity; mutually nude is fine, even preferred for some body work styles; it's much more relaxing for me to be nude, nothing getting in the way, much easier to get those long, continuous strokes that really enhance the massage experience.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
For me, I prefer nude with draping in a spa setting as it is the standard practice in the states. Nude with light draping or a thong bikini bottom depending on my level of comfort with the person massaging me. Definitely nude during a Tantric healing massage or a sensual massage for a continuous uninhibited exchange and flow of energy.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have always felt that massage is all about the Pleasure of being legitimately and fully  naked for the whole purpose of it ,  and the Healthy OILS  . . .  I haven't Received a massage , but I would Desire my masseuse to be Totally Naked as well with me !!   I prefer my clients to be completely naked so I can do Slow , Gentle , head to toe Tantric Sweeps . I have no problem being naked if that makes my client More Comfortable with me and Only when THEY Request it .  .   I don't go to beaches but I DO VERY MUCH ENJOY Being  Nude at home Most of the time !!
I leave on gym (or similar) clothing
optional, however is more comfortable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Mutual nude is best for me
I prefer to be nude; no draping
This is optional to me. Dressed or nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nudes best to get a FULL body massage when giving or receiving
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The only way to go. Seems so strange to try to cover up and restrict the motion.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude just feels better, and then the person giving the massage doesn't have clothing or draping in the way. When I am giving a massage I want access to the entire body, don't want subject to move around so i can hit some of those critical areas.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm naked at home all the time so yeah, naked massage is good for me.   Plus let's face it.  If we're going to have fun during and after the massage, it's best to be naked already.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
allows for smooth, continuous strokes
I leave on underwear; no draping
I'd go naked if couple that where massaging us were OK with that
I prefer to be nude; with draping
However when giving massage I prefer the client to be nude, no draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Allows the person giving the massage to reach all muscle areas without taking time to move the draping from one spot to another. More relaxing being naked.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It is more natural, and no oil on clothes either.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I guess virtually every man wil prefer as I do - nude, no draping, but ladies will prefer draping whilst nude, predominatly, I'm guessing & perhaps being judgemental for which I apologise, because they both feel the cold more so & because they like to not overly encourage attention or lead on down a path that probably is not intended. Us men are (unashamedly) always hopeful I guess!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude feels much better because you relaxed your body completely.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Concentrate on the positive interaction not the barrier.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Male to male...we have the same "plumbing", so nudity does not bother me.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Prefers be naked with or without draping. Should be same for both people
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It feels liberating being nude in the presence of others. Like there are no lies between us.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like draping if it's cool in the room.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
No draping if is ok with the person giving the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Without expectations of anything inappropriate or unprofessional it just feels like it is better to get to all areas and see how the surrounding muscles are reacting to that touch. If someone is going for something "extra" draping doesn't prevent that.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Being naked enhances the flow and body contact.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Male to Male makes it all the more exciting.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
whatever everyone is comfortable with.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like nude so all the body can get massaged and no oil on what you wear
I prefer to be nude; with draping
when male to male massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Either draped or not it doesn't matter to me.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
it feel,s good nude no draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer no clothing
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I will ask massager what he or she is comfortable with.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Prefer not to use. Draping is used if requested but spoils the flow of the massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have no strict agenda... Whatever you are comfortable with
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But if the therapist is more comfortable with draping, I do accept it.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
therapist's discretion
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Enjoy being nude, but will do whatever makes other person feel comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to receive massage nude, no draping but will go with the flow, rules of whomever I am with or establishment I may happen to be in.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Nude for flow, but draping for warmth.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The more nude the better I always say
I leave on gym (or similar) clothing
I am open to must things so depends on the mood and time.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like to be as comfortable as the person who is with me
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Or I'll wear whatever. whatever makes therapist comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Prefer nothing at all
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Very comfortable being naked.
I leave on underwear; with draping
I prefer to have my underwear on with draping, clearly draws the line as non sexual
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer nude with no draping but go along with the comfort level of the Masseur/Masseuse. For commercial massages have to go with undies and draping. :-(
I prefer to be nude; no draping
what have clothes and drapes get in the way of a good massage ? We've all seen and been naked before...and beside it might lead to interesting reactions....
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude, no drapingI would be happy if I could travel to the massage nude and travel home nude too, sadly that's not an option.  Also it just feels so nice to be touched over my entire body, and when the masseuse is nude also the skin to skin contact is maximised, it seems like the logical choice,
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Love two bodys rubing together
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Definitely enjoy full nudity giving and receiving
I prefer to be nude; no draping
nude is a lot better, draping seems silly
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As someone that does massage it is easier when they are nude too. But its more down to how the client feels comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Normanally nude but with respect of my massage partner I belive boundaries should be set before meeting
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Clothing only gets in the way
I prefer to be nude; with draping
The wishes of the masseuse are as important as my own
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Actually, I prefer to be nude with or without draping with the approval of the massage partner as a respect for his or her wishes. I would have no problem in retaining my undies if required. However, for Lomi-Lomi it is better to be nude to allow for the long flowing strokes. Next best option is to wear a G-string.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I had received lots of massages and I used to lie with my bra and penty but eventually I had fellings my massage partner should take off my bra and penty. Then I start lying with draping still I felt the massager is not comfortable to massage me with draping on sometime they are pulling down draping especially when they are going to massage between legs so no cloth and no draping makes thing easier and more enjoyable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Seems like is gives the most freedom for full motion massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Just makes it better
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Mutual nude massage is my preference~~ But whatever we agree upon !!!!!!!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But it depends on the situation. I'm really fine with keeping my undies on or a drape.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer no draping but if I'm getting my gluteus and thighs worked on i notice massage therapists will do a better job getting into the areas that I want worked on if they are draping and I'm nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Clothing and draping take away much of the enjoyment of massage
I prefer to be nude; with draping
This helps with continuous massage flow
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Normally nude, depending on the location.
I leave on underwear; no draping
I dont mind just as long as my massage partner is comfortable and relaxed
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm also willing to respect massage partner's wishes regarding nudity/draping
I prefer to be nude; with draping
If the masseuse needs to take the draping off, I'm fine with that.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
You can drape me if you feel the need 2.
I leave on underwear; with draping
Essential in professional massage therapy
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude is the only way to go. Draping is ok but no draping is better.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like you to be able to see what you are massaging
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Clothing is a barrier during a massage. When both parties are nude, inhibition is replaced with natural enjoyment.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
A sensual massage with both parties being nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
No restrictions, just great message.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Best to start this way and remove draping as the session progresses.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
You can drape me if you feel the need 2.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
no draping is good to. i dont want to seem to be too anxious.but i do prefer to be nude. ill let the masseuse decide to pull the drape or not
I prefer to be nude; no draping
just a simplier and natural way to really totally feel the flow and enjoy a better massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude is the best for both parties
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I like the masseur to start clothed but end naked
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel that it is more of a natural feeling to be fully exposed and can is more comfortable
I prefer to be nude; with draping
But it could be no draping
I prefer to be nude; with draping
No one should be embarrassed and should be relaxed so I normally go alo0ng with what my client prefers.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
after comfortable with each other then can take it off.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
More sensual and more relaxing
I prefer to be nude; no draping
If it's a cool temperature...I might ask for draping.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Not to say draping can't be removed. :)
I prefer to be nude; no draping
clothes interfere with the continuity of the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude but start face down. Save the best bits till last.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer if the masseur is also nude.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Whatever I need to wear
I prefer to be nude; no draping
i love to be completely nude if a free feeling to me I all so like the woman that is massageing me to be nude too
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Although I prefer to be nude, I prefer to respect the other member and so I always drape a towel over me. It is then up to the other member.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Clothing gets in the way and feels restrictive.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It seems more natural to be nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It is more relaxing and natural this way....
I prefer to be nude; no draping
prefer not to drape
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Then draping can be dropped by massager if it is going to be more sensual.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be mutually O natural
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Comfort nude its a feeling ecuation
I prefer to be nude; with draping
its easy to enjoy the massage more
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like both being nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It's all about the touch, which can only be done if both are nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Definitely prefer for both to be nude throughout the massages.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Both myself and the masseuse should be nude. Makes for a more sensual masssge
I prefer to be nude; no draping
All natural for me.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm open to drape or not to drape
I prefer to be nude; no draping
all of my body needs massaged, so why cover or drape.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
therapeutic massage needs to concentrate on the work at hand...but can lead to nudity if needed
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Though I prefer to be nude with no draping, I will always - whether giving or receiving a massage - conform with the dress wishes of my massage partner.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Depends on circumstances at that time but prefer nude always if possible
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Draping takes away from the massage with the shifting of the drape for each part of the body. A better flow and experience can be had if undraped. Also is nice when the massage partner is also nude.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I get cold quickly, prefer to be draped.  Depending on the type of session.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Unless the therapist prefers no draping, I go with draping by default. I'm comfortable either way, but it's important that both parties are relaxed and comfortable. If the therapist is tense, it will result in a tense massage experience. I also note that almost no females have responded to this poll so far...perhaps not the best subject for a poll - I suspect they'd rather keep that information to themselves - probably for good reason lol
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm only ashamed of the recent 10 pounds I've put on. Mainly I have no boundary or restrictions. I'm completely open to you in every way.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I am a nudist so no clothing and or draping needed, but of course we are all not the same so whatever your exchange partner is comfortable with for the session is fine with me. I have found that clothing is very restrictive for a nice flowing massage and the strokes and mood of my massages, towels less so.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Must be warm. Draping ok unless they did with it to much. Dislike it falling in my butt Crack.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It really depends on the people and the type of massage; if it's a sensual massage, then nudity for both is probably appropriate, for a therapeutic massage the rules would be different.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Only draping if the room is not warm enought
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Let the four winds blow
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer both persons to be nude. Modesty does not belong on a massage table. It is body work after all.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I would say it alll depends on the type of massage,I find you Cant see or feel energy flows etc,when covered,and for an erotic or sexual one well?for me nothings like the feel of skinonskin,happy~touch
I prefer to be nude; no draping
im a nudist there you have it
I prefer to be nude; no draping
im not shy
I prefer to be nude; with draping
draping provides warmth and comfort
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The use of towel/drapes interrupts the natural flow of a massage with constant stopping to re-arrange. They can also preclude the massage particularly of the buttocks that is so often the source of tension between the lower back and legs.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
more comfortable
I prefer to be nude; with draping
When I massage women, I prefer them to be nude and I use draping.
I leave on underwear; with draping
I think it depends on the therapist in what he/ she is comfortable with
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As long as the room is warm I'm fine being nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude when giving and receiving massage but I don't really mind too much if you prefer us both to be clothed.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer the massage to be flowing and uninterrupted, as a therapist, I hate having to pause to adjust the draping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Long flowing strokes are best when done on a naked body.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
always feel better if both nude,
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But if the other prefers draping I don't have an issue....prefer nude contact massage.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I don't have a preference, I leave that up to the one giving the message,
I prefer to be nude; with draping
More comfortable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The only way!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have no issues with the human body.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer nude, no drapping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Happy with whatever they other likes
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Its more relaxing and pleasurable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Feels better nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer too receive and give Massage with free flowing movement! I personally think it takes away from the Massage when you have too stop Massaging to tuck and situate drapping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer if both of us are nude that way you can get the whole massage its more relaxed atmosphere and people are more relaxed
I prefer to be nude; no draping
All natural is best.
I leave on underwear; with draping
It's so important to protect all client's modesty.
I have always use Draping in every massage I have ever done.
A client's modesty is paramount.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Shocker! Another guy who prefers to be nude, no draping. How come the ladies don't feel this way?
I prefer to be nude; no draping
The only way.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude is the best way to receive a massage.
Towels get in the way, but they do keep you warm.
If the room is warm enough they are not necessary.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Or Whatever my partner is comfortable with
I prefer to be nude; no draping
But only if others are fully comfortable other wise a towel
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Whatever is comfortable for both
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Like the feel of skin on skin. Greater closeness.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude takes all awkwardness out
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I'm open to all nude no draping
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have to say that all who I have given a massage to, have been nude and requested that I be nude as well. Myself, I feel more in touch with the person I am giving the massage to and there is a higher energy flow
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Any state which is comfortable for the duration
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It is nice to be nude giving/receiving a massage as it creates an open atmosphere when taking part in a sensual massage
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I sometimes find draping necessary to keep me warm.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Whatever makes my partner comfortable is ok with me. i am easy what ever.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It's just a better massage, not once have I ever had a Sexual thought.For me it's the gift of touch with good intent I'm giving!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Like naturism ..that's how I prefer.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nakedness is relaxing
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It is a great leveller and makes all the awkwardness dissolve immediately
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It is all about sensual touch isnt it
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Whatever makes my partner comfortable is ok with me.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
It really depends on the level of comfort between my exchange partner and me. I would choose the level that makes them comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude no draping with my masseur partner nude also i.e full body
I prefer to be nude; with draping
needs to be warm enough, and depends how comfortable I am.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to have nothing impeding the masseurs hands ability to provide a total free flowing massage of my entire body. Equally happy for the masseur to be nude as well, both of us on an equally natural footing.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I think it's nice to be all naked, but modesty and temperature can require some draping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
For body to body massage male to male
I prefer to be nude; no draping
More natural and saves having to keep rearranging.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
initial draping, then removed.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel more exposed when I am partly covered - I wonder what can be seen. The constant rearranging of towels is annoying. Better to be nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
You should respect what your exchange wishes. It is most important that both are comfortable. But let them know your preference without pushing them into something they do not want.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I have no problem with nudity. Nudity means freedom and better massage. It doesn't automatically mean sex. I could even drop draping if the room is warm enough))
I prefer to be nude; with draping
A lot really depends on the situation. Most important is that both the giver and recipient are comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I like to begin this way and remove draping as I feel comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer both parties to be nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I am very comfortable with no draping when recieving a massage or draping to comfort of others. During classes our exchanges were done nude with and without draping depending on partners comfort level. Of course with multiple students it was not uncommon fo rmany to be nude during the practice exchanges.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I don't mind anything
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It's the natural way, the way we were meant to be. You should NEVER be ashamed or embarrassed to be nude or to see another nude/naked body.
I leave on gym (or similar) clothing
but if my partner doesn't mind, I can be nude also.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I love to be naked
I leave on underwear; no draping
it's a theraputic message so i respect the one giving the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Sometimes no draping is hard to do when it isn't warm enough.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Im comfortable jude
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Definitely nude, with or without draping depending on the room temperature and dress/undress of the therapist.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I prefer nude. Draping is really up to the person giving massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Being nude is the best way for a great full body massage cuz it lets the hands get in everywhere.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
but also comfortable being nude depends on the Lady giving the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
being nude when you are receiving a massage means you are comfortable with your own body and whoever is massaging you can be comfortable massaging everything that is exposed to him or her.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Like to start draped then have it gradually lifted and removed as the session progresses.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Being nude when receiving a massage conveys confidence and expresses your desire for an intimate full-body sensual massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Always nude
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Its better to talk about nudity & be comfortable than not having discussed it & find it awkward later...
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Nude it up it relaxes you better
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Depends on where I'm getting the massage. If in the shop, underwear is appropriate (with easy access for accidental touching). In private house, nude is preferable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
when male to male massage, makes it easier to have better body contact
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Best way. .
I leave on underwear; no draping
I love being nude when im being massaged,
I prefer to be nude; no draping
a nice hot room and a body to body massage..............
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer nude both the giver and receiver
I prefer to be nude; with draping
I'm not really sure yet!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
only way to get a true massage
I prefer to be nude; with draping
With the mainstream training I received initially, I was trained with draping. However, as I started with the exchanges, it was all different. Lots preferred to be in the nude and there was hardly any draping required. I tend to enjoy being in the nude too with the ones I find comfortable with and if they are too. I have offer the receiver the option of draping also but most times they already spread themselves in the nude in front of me. Those great nude bodies are such a turn on for me. Starting out as a newbie, I was wearing my underwear in receiving especially as a first timer with a new person until I am now comfortable without it especially when you understand of the other person's expectations. I even enjoy it when the giver would take it off for me when he gets there and feels its out of the way-its even sexier. However, I may get cold easily so I would like my feet especially to be covered to keep me warm. By the way, Its so wonderful to have met and exchanged with like minded people thru this site. Have had such wonderful exchanges overall with wonderful pleasurable experiences.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Draping seems like it would just be in the way and interrupt the flow of the massage. I tend to be a nudist anyway, so I prefer to be nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like the feeling of being completely open and uninhibited
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Letting my partner have the heighten experience of exploring my body.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
What ever your comfort level is.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
draping takes time away from the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm really only into sensual massage - no false modesty here.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
sometimes draped and I like the massuse to be naked as well
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like the room to be warm and all parties to be naked, if you can host and local id love to exchange
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I'm comfortable with or without draping, but it more relaxing to be unencumbered with the extra layer. Being undraped allows a little better access when using long body stroked, and allows more imagination for both parties
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Love being undraped adds to the massage, very sensual
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It just feels more natural and is more sensual
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I find moving drapes, covering and uncovering interrupts the flow of the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Male: Full body to body contact all the way, with mutual acceptance between the parties! Female: Nude, with draping. I feel some boundaries need to be established, then she is at liberty to remove draping when she feels more comfortable.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I like to be massaged all over from head to toe like the room to be warm .I have a thing for bare feet love to rub and play with them.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
That is my preference, but I fully understand every situation has to be mutually acceptable to both participants.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude as long as the room is heated to a comfortable temperature. For me that's somewhere around 80 degrees. Any cooler than that and I start to get chilled after lying motionless for awhile. Once I'm chilled I don't enjoy the massage at all. If I can't be nude then I prefer non-fussy draping, meaning the therapist finds a nice balance between keeping me warm and exposing enough of me to effortlessly do the massage. My least favorite is a massage where the therapist constantly interrupts the flow of the massage to drape and re-drape and re-drape...
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I have no problem with no draping, unless the room is a little on the cool side in which case I want the area not being massaged, especially feet, kept warm to prevent cramping.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I seriously don't mind either way really..
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I love to feel the touch of hands fingers all over my body
I prefer to be nude; no draping
easier to massage if you do not have the limitation of clothes.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
i prefer nude no draping and much more relaxed
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Provided the massage partner is comfortable with this . Otherwise draping is fine
I prefer to be nude; no draping
It heightens the connection when you are both nude and comfortable with body to body contact
I prefer to be nude; no draping
In the right setting and comfort level.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Much better nude the continuous moving of draping stops the flow of the massage
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel most comfortable nude.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I enjoy being nude and I would rather not be draped. Why hide anything. It is hard to massage parts of the body when covered.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
As I newbie to massage two years ago, I held on to a half sheet for dear life that covered my butt and then groin when I rolled over. During the second massage with the same therapist, the drape was a little less covering, and it felt phenomenal to move it out of the way as my trust began to grow. By the third one, I got rid of the damn thing, and am now a died in the wool "drapeless," guy. I never want to go back!
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude without draping but sometimes the masseur will prefer me to be draped. If I have arranged an exchange, negotiation takes place before the meeting to determine boundaries and comfort zones. The room has to be warm so that the recipient is comfortable and never feels chilly. As a result of the warmth in the massage room, I find it easier to give the massage nude as well and this makes exchanging easier at any time during the meeting.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Mutual nude or massagee being nude is best for me
I prefer to be nude; no draping
if the setting is nice and the room is warm
I prefer to be nude; with draping
It all depends on how well you know and trust your massage partner and how warm the room is. Massage will stimulate circulation and cause some sweating. This can lead to the receiver becoming cold in the parts not being treated. So draping is beneficial for comfort.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
M2M ~~ Nude and no draping makes for a more fluid, head-to-toe, full body massage. Borders are respected during the session(s).
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Where I receive massage requires draping of all clients. Even when receiving sports work, my therapist continues to uncover only the area(s) worked. Given this, I keep my underwear on too.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be nude as a personal preference. I enjoy massage more. If partner needs me partially draped, that is okay with me.
I prefer to be nude; with draping
Draping allows massage partners to become comfortable with the surrounding environment and their partner easing each into a stress free enjoyable experience.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I feel most comfortable, giving or receiving nude, male or female giving or receiving.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
No Oil on clothes and its only natural and besides more comfortable
I prefer to be nude; no draping
When I received my certification about 20 years ago, draping was a rare exception. For years I never even saw a drape. At the bodywork center were I trained and received massages, no draping was required. More recently, I believe to make massage more mainstream, draping was encouraged and then later required (by this same bodywork center).  In my own practice, I offer my clients the option. I always place a folded drape on the table and tell them they may use it if they prefer. Sometimes an explanation is necessary for newbies. About half of my clients (male and female) prefer nude undraped. Indeed many of my clients have told me that they come to me because the spas require draping and they prefer otherwise, so I win their business. About 40% of my clients are nude and draped.  About 10% leave on underwear or shorts. Surpassingly, by numbers I’ve found men more modest than women - men are more likely to leave on underwear and women.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
Mutual nude massage is my preference
I prefer to be nude; with draping
To be truly free and relaxed you need to be nude. The draping adds a little mystery
I prefer to be nude; no draping
With both parties nude there are no barriers , both parties are equal and there is no restriction of movement, as wellas not having to worry about getting any oil on clothing
I leave on gym (or similar) clothing
it's normaly just my back and shoulders that need work. But I guess it depends on the type of massage and how comfortable I feel with the person
I prefer to be nude; no draping
when male to male massage.
I prefer to be nude; no draping
I prefer to be naked and the massuse should be naked aswell
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