ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Recommended

Sportif Recommended
Québec, Quebec, Canada
I got from Sportif a very good long massage at my place in Quebec city, Sportif supplied the table and sheets, we got a good time together and will get together again. Sportif is very intuitive in is massage.
Reviewed by arm1062 2024-05-23 11:45 [29821/P]

Sportif Recommended
Québec, Quebec, Canada
I had a great massage from Sportif. He was in Montreal coming from Quebec city for a conference and unfortunately I was not able to reciprocate since he had to leave. For an untrained masseur Sportif has a great touch and knows how to relax a body totally. Great gentleman as well
Reviewed by frankybaby 2023-07-09 08:36 [28337/P]

Québec, Quebec, Canada
Sportif and I had a good massage exchange at my place. He communicated well in advance for planning and arrived on time. He gives a very good vigorous and stimulating massage. I would hope to see him again if he comes back to my town.
Reviewed by TrevorP 2016-10-20 16:39 [15013/P]

Sportif Recommended
Québec, Quebec, Canada
Je viens d'avoir un échange de massage avec Sportif. Il est vraiment très bon. Sa description le présente bien. Un homme simple, facile de contact, très agréable. Il a de bonnes mains, j'étais persuadé qu'il avait déjà suivi au moins des cours d'initiation, mais non. Je le recommande ++.

Je viens d'avoir un 3e échange de massage avec Sportif. Il met une bonne pression, ce que j'aime beaucoup. Massage à la fois "thérapeutique" et détendant. J'ai encore une fois aimé ++. J'espère bien qu'on puisse récidiver sans trop tarder.
Reviewed by John50 2016-08-30 19:01 [12499/P]

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