ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

sunlvrwill Highly Recommended
Mesa, Arizona, United States
On resent trip, had the pleasure of exchanging with sunlvrwill. We exchanged messages over a period of time and he was flexible with his schedule to allow possibility of range of time to exchange which made it much easier to fit into my travel activities. He was all set when I arrived and after a brief conversation we got to our exchange. It was not a rushed or timed exchange which allowed us to take our time. His strokes we easy flowing and pleasant which was a great way to end a active nude day outside that left me fully relaxed. I hope to be able to exchange on another trip. Don't hesitate to exchange with sunlvrwill. Thanks again.
Reviewed by doneright 2021-03-23 21:51 [24229/P]

TXJeff Highly Recommended
Lewisville, Texas, United States
After messaging with TXJeff over some period of time, we were able to work on a mutual time, sometimes things take time to happen. He hosted and had a very nice set up. As we'd message for a while, there was not much discussion to how the exchange would take place or introductions.

The exchange was awsome. His knowledge of what a massage was evident. His touch was firm though gentle when it needed to be and got the the right places though out his massage. The whole exchange went over time as we last track of time.

It should be a shame if you don't exchange with TXJeff and I look forward to future exchanges.
Reviewed by doneright 2021-03-02 10:38 [24146/P]

JockSwimmer Highly Recommended
Dallas, Texas, United States of America
The massage with JockSwimmer was all that a massage should be. We communicated well and even with a last minute glish and reschedule, we got together one afternoon later. JockSwimmer hosted and he had it well set up, with plenty of different lotions and a warm atmosphere with soothing music. After a personal time to get to know our ways, we set to do our exchange. I received first. JockSwimmer has great hands and paid attention to insure he gave attention to my needs. We talked about future exchange so that we could enjoy each other's company. JockSwimmer was also receptive to learning some techniques that he experience in the massage I have him. There will be future exchanges for sure.
Reviewed by doneright 2021-02-03 23:04 [24068/P]

Reply from JockSwimmer of 2021-02-05
Thank you doneright !! The pleasure was genuine, in both meeting you and our massage exchange. It’s great to exchange with a guy like you who remains focused on the actual massage and overall relaxation through therapeutic and sensual means, Besides enjoying the massages in their own right, I’ve learned some great techniques from you. More guys on ME should be able to enjoy your skilled hands, except that would diminish our chances of another exchange! Hope we can do it again !. -JockSwimmer-

TallMuscleGrad Highly Recommended
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America
I had communicated with TallMuscleGrad for a while since he contacted me on one of my visits to the Orlando area. With Covid, travel was not part most of 2020. On my resent visit to Orlando, we finally were able to communicate and proceed with an exchange. My first impression was "What a tall giant"!! We exchanged a brief period of getting to know more of each other, our techniques before we got on with our exchange. He is very personal and out going individual that translated to his technique, a firm touch with attention to making me feel great. I would have to say he is a "gentle giant". I got massaged first so it was a challenge to get in frame of mind to return a massage on his large muscular body. He gave great feed back as I proceeded over his large tall frame. We had a amazing exchange and we connected very well that was an added touch to the exchange. We had a brief discussion after the exchange and I did not hesitate to agree to another exchange. This was a great way to start 2021, thanks TallMuscleGrad !
Reviewed by doneright 2021-01-04 11:57 [23996/P]

Cigarguy Highly Recommended
Keller, Texas, United States
After some planning and events in life getting in way, Cigarguy and I had our exchange. I hosted and he was very prompt on time. Without much delay, he was on table since we had talked before getting to know each other and our boundaries.
Having had no formal training as he stated, his massage was very good and I'd would have not notice that fact. His strokes ranged from several types and I was very comfortable and relaxed to point I was almost asleep.
I look forward to another exchange with Cigarguy.
Reviewed by doneright 2019-11-15 08:34 [22413/P]

utahyandex Highly Recommended
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
I communicated with utahyandex well before my trip to the Salt Lake City area and we agreed to date before hand. Shortly before my arrival we agreed to a mutual time and he arrived right on time. As I do with most individuals I exchange for the first time we had a good conversation to get to know our likes and dislikes and each other. Since I hosted he got his massage first and he was totally relaxed and express himself very well how satisfied he was, which is always nice to know. His technique was great and he insured that he was doing what I felt was right, and it was. Our exchange went over our agreed time but it seem like we'd only gone maybe an hour but it was much more. As they say, time flies when you're having .... in this case a wonderful exchange. I will be sure to look to exchange with utahyandex on a future visit to SLC.
Reviewed by doneright 2019-10-02 02:56 [22087/P]

mtherapist Highly Recommended
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
I contacted mtherapist a few months before my travels to the Salt Lake City to arrange an exchange with him. After a few msgs, we'd agreed to date and time. He has a very nice massage setup that has everything to make the exchange a pleasant one. His technique was just right. I could not have asked for a more complete massage, he took care of hitting all the right spots from my workouts and the hiking I had done on my travels. The pressure and touch he used could not have been any better. I will be looking for another exchange from mtherapist if and when I'm back in SLC.
Reviewed by doneright 2019-10-02 02:47 [22086/P]

PopeSonny Highly Recommended
Provo, Utah, United States
In my resent trip to the Salt Lake City area, I was able to exchange with PopeSonny. We had planned our exchange over a few msgs before my arrival to SLC. With a last minute change due to events out of my control, PopeSonny was able to meet and arrive on time to the bit later than planned time. After a good conversation to get to know each other, we found we had same likes and dislikes. Our exchange went smoothly and though he'd stated he had not much experience at an exchange, PopeSoony provided a great massage. He even made efforts to duplicate some of my techniques that I had used on him when he massage me. He quickly learned for feed back and his attitude to learning as much as he could made our exchange result that we connected very well. We were both well relaxed and appreciated of what we'd experience. It would be a great disappointment if we were not to exchange on my next visit to SLC. Thanks PopeSoony.
Reviewed by doneright 2019-10-02 02:36 [22085/P]

RelaxAchyDTX Highly Recommended
Dallas, Texas, United States
Leaving RelaxAchyDTX place I was thinking how grateful I was that I'd had this exchange with him that came from a recommendation from an out of town ME individual who I've exchanged with many times and he was in turn another recommendation from another ME individual. Individuals come into your life thru you're own giving, where others will look to help you in turn and I was grateful to all those that in their small part made this happen. RelaxAchyDTX (I'll use Relax), and I have schedules that did delay our exchange from taking place for a bit, but it was well worth the wait. Relax agreed to host and we communicated seamlessly to arranged time/date.

His massage studio is well appointed and having bathroom/shower next to his studio was very convenient. Having not used massage oil in a long time, it was a different experience for me to give and receive massage with oil, and I enjoyed doing so. He received his massage first and it was a pleasure to give of myself to him. I then got what I can only say has been one of the top 5 massages I've received in many years, if not close to the best one. Relax just seemed to know exactly when and where to massage, his touch and techniques were hitting the right spots though out my body. He found the tensions and work them out, which I carry from my daily workouts. Once he had finished, I was totally relaxed and was not ready to get back to the real world.

I hope that we can make our schedules work again so that I can experience his knowledge thru his touch and techniques. You should not hesitate to exchange with Relax, if you do I'll be taking your time slot.
Reviewed by doneright 2019-07-23 06:59 [21551/P]

Reply from RelaxAchyDTX of 2019-07-23
Thanks doneright for your very nice review! I enjoyed our trade thoroughly. I hope we can do it again!

massagist Highly Recommended
Hurst, Texas, United States of America
There are times when you experience something that is more than a massage, and you feel in many ways that words just do not communicate what you experience. That was what my massage exchange with massagist was, not just in the massage, but the whole experience of having the exchange with him.
A mutual friend from ME, had recommended that he get in touch with me, to which I was very humble that I was recommended by our mutual friend. Our communication before our exchange was quick and we came to a mutual date/time and standards of behavior quickly. He agreed to host. The set up was comfortable and after a brief 'get-to-know' each other, where we found we had a lot in common, our exchange started. I could just after a few minutes feel that massagist knew from his technique that he knew what he was doing. I settled down and enjoyed a bliss hour plus massage he gave, getting to areas that need the attention from my daily work outs, using short strokes to long smooth strokes, here and there deep tissue. We also connect in more than massage, where you can feel energy exchange, and at the end you are filled which whole satisfaction from the exchange.
This review was way over due but we've done a few exchanges and each time, it is better than the last time. Looking forward to many more exchanges as you will after your first exchange.
Reviewed by doneright 2019-07-23 06:16 [21550/P]

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