ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

drewmassage Highly Recommended
Middletown, Indiana, United States of America
Met Drew for a massage exchange today. Had a great share. He gave great feedback on my work, and I really appreciate his vigorous and stimulating technique. A few times I even had to pause and have him explain a particular intervention he used as I want very much to include in my repertoire. Hope to exchange again soon!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2011-04-28 19:01 [3510/P]

Flyboy1500 Highly Recommended
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Had my first exchange with D. today (April 27). What a great experience! We did "1/2 and 1/2" and I think I may have achieved an altered state of consciousness with his effective, gentle, intentional and almost mystical touch. A very talented and skilled guy and we both agreed we will need a follow up exchange quite soon!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2011-04-27 19:18 [3504/P]

fruitguy Highly Recommended
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
First and foremost, what a NICE guy! We had a wonderful conversation and discovered many mutual interests then proceeded to an incredibly delightful and most enjoyable massage. F. is so demonstrative and intuitive and brought "to the table" a wealth of varied techniques which were amazing. He seemed appreciative of my limited abilities and we both left the experience with a deep sense of satisfaction and peace. A very intimate and enjoyable experience!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2011-03-20 14:42 [3369/P]

ME-70182 Highly Recommended

Met with R. for an exchange. What a powerful set of hands this guy has!..It was great to exchange with someone who's technique is very different from my own yet still incredibly effective and enjoyable. Highly recommend him to all!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2010-10-16 19:02 [2936/P]

light55 Highly Recommended
Owensboro, Kentucky, United States
Had my first massage exchange with light55 today. Very personable and friendly guy!. We did the 50/50 approach which worked very well and included very effective and pleasurable touch sharing. Would recommend to all!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2010-10-11 09:14 [2929/P]

roadbike Highly Recommended
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Had my first exchange with roadbike today. We opted for the 50/50 approach. I have a lot to learn from R!.. He has clearly learned incredible technique and has incorporated an intimate knowledge of physiology with great skill. He is focused and intentional in his approach. It was collegial, enjoyable, instructive and enlightening. We were no more finished with the exchange and began looking for opportunities to exchange again. He is a great example of the value and worth of a website like this and I look forward to exchanging again soon!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2010-10-03 13:29 [2905/P]

galwpat Highly Recommended
Galway, Ireland
My first international massage exchange! Niall very graciously hosted me at his home with a room dedicated to massage, lovely environment, beautiful music, heated table and skilled hands! He clearly has put his massage training to good use and does a great job!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2010-09-10 07:18 [2853/P]

Reply from galwpat of 2011-05-23
Belated thanks to John for a wonderful massage experience. John is both skilled and very nurturing in his massage and sense of touch. Many thanks and looking forward to a return internaational exchange!

indyswimmer Highly Recommended
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Had my first exchange with T. What a great experience! He combined incredibly intuitive and sensitive touch with a remarkable intensity which made for an extraordinary exchange. I would recommend him to all, and hope we can schedule another exchange soon!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2010-07-16 15:14 [2734/P]

IndyIntuitiveTouch Recommended
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
David is a very talented masseur! We had the opportunity to meet at my place. As he was massaging me, I tried to formulate some clear description of his technique, and I came up with confident, assertive and gentle. We had very engaging conversation about our interests and both agreed we should 'do it again"!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2010-03-29 20:27 [2588/P]

Met Dave for an exchange. What a personable, friendly and welcoming guy! We opted for the "half and half" method, switching back and forth after each side was completed. The hours flew by with great conversation and touch and then some more great conversation! I hope he gets back to INDY on a regular basis so we can meet up again!
Reviewed by jcannaday3 2010-03-12 08:25 [2564/P]

Reviews are opinions of individual members. Opinions by their nature are subjective and can vary dramatically from member to member. neither agrees with nor verifies the accuracy of member reviews and is not responsible for such content.