ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

lavocalist Highly Recommended
Land O Lakes, Florida, United States
lavocalist was verbally and bodily responsive to the massage that he was provided. It made it very easy to know where on his body to stay longer before moving onto a next section of his body. What was most enjoyed during our time together was the amount of mutual touch he provided while he was being massaged. He was constantly in-touch and connecting.

At 6’2”, lavocalist was able to easily move around and lean into and cover my entire body while giving me a massage.

Providing a massage atop of a bed is the norm and comes easy for me since I do not own a massage table. While I enjoyed the massage lavocalist provided, he stated he struggled continuing to provide me with a massage, and would prefer bringing his table the next time and provide me my next massage atop the massage table. I look forward to then to see if it will feel different on the receiving end. Just the opposite, he said he enjoyed receiving one on the bed.

lavocalist was very communicative throughout our correspondence prior to the exchange as well as once he arrived and during it. It does not take long before you get a sense that he is a spiritual, kind hearted and good person.

Due to the connection that occurred, it is hoped that we are able to use what time is left before he moves to another city within the state later this year.

Thank you again, lavocalist.

- cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2024-03-27 05:22 [29548/P]

Reply from lavocalist of 2024-03-27
In addition to my earlier review of my awesome exchange with cdune, I wanted to add that this was my first attempt at using a bed vs a table. I personally felt that I could not provide the very best massage for cdune that I could have with a table. I look forward to bringing my own table along with me next time in order to demonstrate my formal training (at Cortiva Massage Institute) techniques… the difference in height (cdune: 5’-5” vs my 6’-2”) makes it much easier using a table. The great thing about most portable massage tables is that they are easy to adjust the height to accommodate the therapist’s height.

Also, I am anxious about starting a new chapter in my life in In northeastern Florida. As much as I have loved living in the Tampa Bay Area, I’ll only be 3 hours away and still plan on visiting occasionally. I’m also looking forward to meeting new Massage Exchange partners in/around the Jacksonville area.

Pianoman4042 Highly Recommended
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Initial correspondence between Pianoman4042 and me prior to us both being in Atlanta a few months back led us to eventually realize it would be on different dates. Since then, correspondence continued between us and recently led to us finally crossing paths. Really glad that our perseverance continued for the exchange was most pleasant and memorable.

Pianoman4042 definitely knows the body. He has this incredible ability to read the human body. Examples include through touching my body he was able to read that I am left-handed, identify parts of my body that were stress free, and parts that were stressed (i.e., the bottom area of my right foot).

In general, Pianoman4042 tended to apply firm pressure during the massage he gave me, yet could quickly assess my limitation to receive such and readily backed down. Not being one who enjoys deep tissue, I was thankful he could readily accommodate my preference. If your own preference is firm-pressure massage, then Pianoman4042 is definitely the bodywork person for you.

He also incorporated some nice stretching techniques to a couple of parts of the body (arms, legs).

The moments of light touch were exceptionally pleasant as Pianoman4042 has a nice touch.

A friendship easily evolved while in the company of one another. Definitely hope that this first time was the first of many exchanges between us. Speaking of exchanges, I look forward to next time so that I can reciprocate a more dedicated session for him for the touch that I provided was more in-the-moment and relaxing oriented.

Thank you again my friend for all that you did to make this session happen.
Reviewed by cdune 2023-10-19 18:52 [28844/P]

stanley97035 Highly Recommended
Portland, Oregon, United States
What a pleasant and relaxing exchange I had with stanley97035.

Throughout the massage stanley97035 provided, he would use both hands at the same time, making for a larger, dedicated coverage area. What made this technique all the more special was the softness of stanley97035’s hands. He excelled at the use of soft touch. There were moments my body would actually tingle from ecstasy. stanley97035 was also at-one with and attentive to my body the entire duration of the massage he provided. If you are looking for someone who is deep-tissue oriented, you may want to look for someone else. But, if you are looking for someone who gives an incredibly tender and relaxing massage, look no further for stanley97035 is The Man.

While I thoroughly enjoyed physically giving stanley97035 a massage, it would have been beneficial if there had been responsiveness on his part throughout the massage. Not until the end of both massages and just prior to his leaving did I learn just how much he enjoyed the massage. Verbal feedback and/or body responsiveness would have prompted me to stay longer on those parts of the body so he could have enjoyed that part of the massage all the more. (This might be food for thought for us all as receivers.) With the hope there will be a next time where I can ensure that occurs.

Thanks again, stanley97035.
Reviewed by cdune 2023-10-19 12:55 [28846/P]

nowintown Highly Recommended
Leesburg, Florida, United States of America
My exchange with nowintown was an unexpected pleasure.

Communication on the front side of the exchange was just the right amount on the part of both nowintown and myself. nowintown even texted as he left his home as well as when he was thirty minutes out, even texting of his arrival once he was in the driveway.

Having driven for a couple of hours, nowintown asked if he could receive first, which always only seems the right thing to do in such a given situation. And being that I enjoy giving a massage as much as I do receiving one, it was a non-issue. While in person nowintown appears shorter in statue than his stated height, he has a nice physique - more muscular than average in build - which is all the more apparent while massaging him. In addition, he has naturally smooth skin. Both aspects contributed to making it a pleasure to provide him a full-body massage. One slight thing that stopped it from being ideal was it was difficult to get a read from him if he was enjoying the massage, as he quietly and motionlessly laid there, causing me a need to ask him on several occasions how he was doing.

The unexpected part of the exchange occurred when nowintown provided me my massage. I have never experienced such energy come from another massage partner. Energy radiated from him as he touched my body, particularly from his finger tips. For example, while nowintown massaged my backside, a couple of times, the upper part of my body came up from the bed top due to the amount of energy coming from his hands and (creatively and pleasantly utilized) chin. Another incredible aspect of the massage was I never had a sense of where he was going to massage next. Definitely was not traditional body work - working from top of body to the feet, or vice versa - making the massage all the more invigorating and pleasurable. All in all, the massage was total bliss and the best I have ever received.

Upon the conclusion of both of our massages, we each expressed the utmost pleasure with the massage that we received. Getting together again for another exchange seems very likely, and something I look forward to very much. Thank you again, nowintown.
- cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2023-08-18 17:37 [28532/P]

whoopsstillupnotsleeping Highly Recommended
Fernandina Beach, Florida, United States
(Unsure as to exactly when, but at a minimum) twelve years ago whoopsstillupnotsleeping and I first met for our first and only massage exchange. The massage he provided remains the all-time best therapeutic massage I have ever received until this past Wednesday when Whoops… was in the area once again and we met again for massage.

What stands out most about Whoops…’s massage is his effective use of Lomi Lomi techniques, which included long, seamless and sweeping strokes of his hands, forearms and elbows that readily glided from one part of my body to another. Such movements caused me to feel as if my body was continuously being addressed and cared for. A second element that Whoops… effectively administered was working on my back as I lie on my back side. He was able to amazingly maneuver his hands underneath my back and easily work those areas. I have yet to meet another body worker do so so well. The icing on the cake to all of this was how focused on and attentive to my body Whoops… was the entire time of the massage.

It is hoped that a next time will not entail such a lapse of time. Yet, should another time not ever occur, I will have been privileged with two exceptional massages and exchanges.

Thank you again, Whoops…

Reviewed by cdune 2023-03-13 06:21 [27810/P]

wildtiger Highly Recommended
Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
It was encouraging to read wildtiger’s review of our exchange. While I knew he preferred a firmer, deep-tissue massage, giving such a massage does not come natural for me. I am glad that he was able to appreciate other innate qualities in the massage I give - attentiveness, unhurried, genuineness, etc.

Giving wildtiger a massage was easy as well as enjoyable for he has a naturally toned physique - particularly in his arms, thighs and calves areas. Additionally, his skin is soft and smooth, a pleasure to massage. wildtiger’s temperament also made it easy to give him a massage. There were moments while providing him a massage he gently responded with mutual touch. A nice connection genuinely and naturally developed and evolved between us as the exchange progressed - a rarity in massage exchanges these days.

The massage wildtiger gave was more technical than mine is. Once in his hands, you soon learn he is very knowledgeable of the the body’s muscle groups - location, direction they run within the body. Too, he enlightened me to such as he massaged me.

Both a nice person and great masseur, wildtiger is an outstanding choice for a massage partner.

- cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2022-12-04 11:04 [27382/P]

raymome Highly Recommended
Tarpon Springs, Florida, United States of America
Connecting with raymome was one of those rare can-you-meet-today exchanges that easily fell into place and culminated into a most pleasant exchange and experience. Through initial conversation prior to beginning the exchange, we learned that we both genuinely enjoyed giving a massage as much as we enjoy receiving one - probably more so; and the exchange played out as such.

raymome provided a great massage that was all-consuming - i.e., strong wide-ranging hand sweeps, long even strokes using either his hands or elbows, use of his full body. As he had stated such, he appeared to truly enjoy giving.

I likewise enjoyed providing him a massage. His is thick bodied, particularly in his neck, back, and thighs areas, these areas being larger in size and more solid than most guys; making for a good body to hone your skills on.

Would very much welcome exchanging with him again.

- cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2022-05-06 10:47 [26380/P]

SNYC Highly Recommended
Adamstown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
SYNC has a nice physique to massage. It is easy to find and connect with the muscles in his arms and legs when massaging him. In addition, his skin is smooth and creamy to the touch, extremely smooth after applying oil to it. Great for massaging a body.

SYNC exhibits a great deal of passion when he speaks about massage and touch. During the massage he gave, he frequently used parts of his body other than his fingers and hands, i.e., side of his arm, knee, leg, entire body. His soft touch felt particularly wonderful and pleasurable. It seem naturally executed the times he used it. All in all, SYNC put a lot of himself both physically and spiritually into giving a massage.
Reviewed by cdune 2022-03-16 05:22 [26126/P]

Hunter101 Highly Recommended
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States
Ongoing contact on Hunter101’s part occurred for many months prior to his arrival to the area, making us feel familiar with one another before finally meeting in person for massage.

My massage by Hunter101 was much more enjoyable than I was expecting it to be due to how Hunter101 would describe and downplay his skill set. He utilized soft touch much of the time, during which time it was easy to get lost in the moment. What is oftentimes non-memorable, upward massaging each side of my body is an example of such. So was his use of both hands working in symmetry of the upper back. What needs to be added is the massage was traditional and therapeutic in nature, making it all the more pleasant.

If you are looking for such a massage, Hunter101 is highly recommended.

Thanks again, Hunter101.

- cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2021-01-06 15:40 [24000/P]

Dion123 Highly Recommended
Dallas, Texas, United States
I was able to do a massage exchange with Dion123 while I was in Dallas. Our communication leading up to the exchange made it where we felt very comfortable with one another from the get-go.

Dion123’s style is traditional in nature. His touch is soft and continuously attentive, and the massage naturally flows, making for a most pleasant experience. It was easy to get lost in the moment during the massage. In addition, Dion123 is a pleasant and genuinely nice individual; it is easy to be in his company.

A second exchange was discussed, but in the end, did not occur. Must say that I was disappointed for I would have very much enjoyed a like experience.

Thanks again, Dion123.

- cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2020-03-15 17:39 [23160/P]

threerivers Highly Recommended
Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
threerivers communicated well on the front end of the exchange. Driving in from the panhandle of FL to the Tampa Bay area, he shared his ETA multiple times. The correspondence that occurred between us helped both of us to feel familiar and comfortable with one another prior to actually meeting in person.

All in all, threerivers provided a most pleasant and enjoyed massage. Most noteworthy was how he massaged the face and the neck areas, and concentrated on the buttocks and an area of the back.

Being 64 myself, it has become notably evident how once you turn 60, others’ interest in reaching out to you to do an exchange significantly lessens. threerivers, being 78, caused me to realize even more how disheartening this is, for older massage enthusiasts get overlooked when it comes to us all looking for massage partners. It is not only a misfortune for myself and other older guys such as threerivers, but you younger guys too who place greater emphasis on how a guy looks or how young they are, and less on connecting with a skilled massage partner. threerivers is an inspiration for all of the rest of us physically fit- and skills- wise. We all should hope that we have his physical well-being and dedication to providing massages when we get his age. I do not mean to come across as preachy here, just providing food for thought for us all as we search for other male, massage partners.

Thank you again threerivers for a most enjoyable massage and experience. Very much do I hope that we are able to cross paths again and share in another most pleasant exchange. And for all you other guys looking for a wonderful massage, reach out to and experience threerivers.

- cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2020-02-24 18:33 [23056/P]

YankeyDoBandy Highly Recommended
Frostproof, Florida, United States of America
Months of back-and-forth email correspondence occurred between the two of us prior to finally meeting face-to-face. This certainly aided in us both feeling familiar with the other before actually meeting.

Yankey’s profile clearly identifies preferences and boundaries he has for an exchange, which is always both good for any of us to know and helpful going into an exchange.

He introduced the idea of us using no oil or lotion, which I had never done before during a massage. Surprisingly, it worked well with both of our skins. Based on how naturally Yankey identified areas of the body as he moved around and worked on mine, he has a strong understanding of the human body. Too, he was very attentive to the body while giving a massage in a relaxed and unhurried way. He is very good at what he does.

A standout of the exchange was how natural flowing and seeming it was. In hindsight, it actually began at the onset. Often, there were times where we were mutually giving each other a massage at the same time.

I look forward to doing another exchange with Yankey. Hopefully, his travels will bring him this way sooner than later, and frequently.

Thank you again Yankey for a most pleasurable and memorable exchange.

Reviewed by cdune 2020-02-04 09:33 [22879/P]

TallMuscleGrad Highly Recommended
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America
There were multiple positives regarding TallMuscleGrad (TMG) even before we first met in person. A) He continuously communicated well via emails during us initially emailing one another. B) He kept me abreast when running late the day of the exchange due to having to take care of a personal matter. C) He is very willing to drive a notable distance so an exchange can occur. He readily states that it is no big deal to drive from Lakeland to places like Orlando and the Tampa Bay Area, which he does.

TMG was appreciative for the massage he received. Multiple times he stopped the massage to provide specific, positive feedback and thank me. Due to his statue and muscular body, much of the exchange was devoted to him receiving a massage. He has a great physique to massage, and the time spent on him was a pleasure. While TMG is muscular, he is more toned than muscles on muscles. Too, his skin has to be the most smooth, creamy and silk like I have ever massaged. It was great to the touch. Having such a body provided me with an excellent opportunity to hone my skills while providing TMG with attentive touch.

While TMG’s massage took as much time as was needed, it was important to him that he reciprocate before leaving. During the massage he provided, he excelled when A) lifting and massaging each entire leg, and B) massaging the entire back area in symmetrical motion while simultaneously using both hands. I look forward to experiencing another massage from him for it was evident he was trying to accomplish a full massage in a brief period of time for the time was getting late.

Thanks again, TallMuscleGrad.

Reviewed by cdune 2019-08-05 18:27 [21655/P]

Dubois84 Highly Recommended
Mobile, Alabama, United States
The exchange went extremely well due to the effort on both individuals’ part.

Dubois84 appeared to/as well as voiced how much he enjoyed the massage he received, which is always gratifying to know that the receiver found pleasure in their received massage, particularly when they are a licensed massage therapist.

I too very much enjoyed the massage that Dubois84 provided. He was attentive and devoted to the massage throughout the entire duration of the massage. Transitioning from one area of the body to another was very fluid. While some muscle groups received firm manipulation, other areas received light touch, which had an incredible sensation to it. Never did his part of the exchange seem driven by time. It was very easy to enter into Massage Heaven during Dubois84’s massage.

What was an added bonus to the exchange was how comfortable we each felt being in the care of one another.

If you are looking for an attentive and relaxing massage, Dubois84 is an ideal choice.

Reviewed by cdune 2019-06-01 09:03 [21141/P]

iamcertified Highly Recommended
Tampa, Florida, United States
I had the pleasure of exchanging with iamcertified, and what a great experience it was.

Because of his spirited, friendly and engaging personality, it did not take long for it to feel comfortable and safe to be in his company.

iamcertified provided an exceptional massage. His hands had a soft touch, and his massage strokes were continuously smooth. Too, his pace was unhurried, slow-moving and relaxing; all combined, making for a natural flowing massage.

iamcertified was likewise present and attuned the entire time he provided the massage. My calves have a history of being the most consistently sore feeling out of any area of my body. Unlike anyone else who has ever provided a massage to me, iamcertified worked on each calf from the front side of the leg, and much to my amazement, effectively addressed the burn I was feeling in each calf. In addition, he fluidly incorporated stretching into the massage. This truly was one of the best therapeutic massages I have ever received.

If you are looking for an attentive, relaxing therapeutic massage, look no further than iamcertified.

Thanks again, iamcertified.

Reviewed by cdune 2019-05-19 18:57 [21036/P]

dgunter Highly Recommended
Clearwater, Florida, United States
dgunter provided a very therapeutic massage. He began the massage in the hip area (one side at a time), which I had never heard of or experienced before. Pressure was mostly firm, but not where it was painful. Upon realizing my left calf was tight and sore, dgunter provided undivided attention to the area to bring relief to it. It was apparent he has a sense of how long to stay in an area before the need to leave it alone. dgunter would also naturally transition into soft touch at times, which felt very nice and was relaxing. Highly recommend if you are looking for a therapeutic, firm massage. Thanks, dgunter. cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2018-05-22 18:06 [18507/P]

Tactile202 Highly Recommended
Washington, District of Columbia, United States
I agree with Tactile202's review of our exchange regarding there occurring an instant connection that stayed with us throughout the entire exchange. As we all know, such experiences are rare, which makes them all the more special and memorable.

Probably the most special part of the exchange was I provided him with a massage first, with the intent of providing him a complete massage front and back. Since he had traveled that day, it seemed only right. While it was apparent he enjoyed the massage by way of his breathing and the slightest of sounds, he asked to trade off before I began massaging him on the other side. His doing so soon made the exchange become a shared experience.

From the moment Tactile202 placed his hands on me for the first time and began the massage, I could easily tell it was going to be a pleasant experience. There was an immediate softness and gentleness to his touch. From that moment on, he stayed continuously attentive and connected. At times he naturally transitioned into applying firmer pressure, which was never too firm or deep. There were also times where he would reposition my legs or arms to allow for greater leverage and stretching of applicable muscles.

Thanks again Tactile202 for an extremely pleasurable experience. I am honored to have been your first massage exchange on M E.


Reviewed by cdune 2018-04-19 19:04 [18315/P]

sunnyj Highly Recommended
Orlando, Florida, United States
sunnyj and I have corresponded since 2014 until just recently, trying to make a massage exchange happen, and it finally did so this week when I was in Orlando. It was well worth the wait.

sunnyj was very good at replying to sent emails, and they have always been personable and upbeat --as is he in person.

sunnyj was verbally responsive while being massaged, which helped to guide the direction and flow of the massage. He did so by way of expressed statements and sounds, which helped me to know to stay longer in the area being massaged at that moment.

A notable trait of sunnyj’s massage-giving was his attentiveness to and focus on me while he gave the massage. He was not at all quick to complete the task and be through with the massage. Too, he has soft hands, which made the massage feel all the better. All in all, he provided a pleasant massage.

What made the exchange all the nicer was the bond that was established as the exchange progressed. As we all know, a massage is all the more special when you feel comfortable and safe with the other person -- particularly during a first-time exchange.

Thanks again, sunnyj. cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2018-02-21 15:44 [18032/P]

baxter123 Highly Recommended
North Hampton, New Hampshire, United States
baxter123 and I had the opportunity to connect for massage while he was visiting the area. Communication between the two of us was very good leading up to the exchange.

Prior to our starting the massage, conversation was easy to establish and pleasant. It was also easy to quickly and naturally establish a safe-feeling and comfortable environment during the exchange.

baxter123 provided a very pleasant massage. He often used booth hands at the same time to massage my body. While he was able to cover a lot more area at one time by doing so, the symmetry created by using both hands and softness of his hands provided a wonderful sensation. In addition, his use of soft touch over the entire body made it easy to enter into a state of bliss. Lastly, the time he spent on me never felt hurried nor did he ever seem non-committed to providing a good massage. Thank you again baxter123 for a most enjoyable massage and exchange. It is hoped that you too enjoyed the massage that you received for I enjoyed providing one to you. For sure it is hoped that we will do another exchange your next visit to the area.

For any of you giving thought to connecting with baxter123 for an exchange, I would highly recommend you doing so.

Reviewed by cdune 2017-06-21 12:56 [16653/P]

Dorchester, South Carolina, United States
The entire process with squeezer27 was pleasurable.

Communication prior to the exchange included continuous follow up, and genuine and insightful responses on his part.

Overall, the massage he provided was a pleasant experience. He took his time while giving a massage. Stretching was incorporated, and was a nice addition. Most notable was, on a couple of occasions, the incorporation of physically positioning the two of us for closer proximity between his hands and my body.

Additionally, squeezer27 possesses a lean, firm physique. It is ideal to provide a massage to.

I would strongly recommend squeezer27 as a massage partner, and for sure will do another exchange with him myself. I look forward to it , squeezer27.

Reviewed by cdune 2016-07-18 17:58 [14296/P]

waketrucker Highly Recommended
Rolesville, North Carolina, United States
The massage exchange with waketrucker was most enjoyable.

Starting with the first moments of our meeting one another during the exchange, waketrucker easily made good conversation, making it easy to get to know and talk with him. As for the massage he provided, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. While the massage was traditional in style, because of the size of his hands, waketrucker covered a lot of area with each movement of his hands. Much of the movements occurred in symmetry. In addition, due to the softness of his hands, his massage continuously had a wonderful feel.

I would highly recommend waketrucker as a massage partner and definitely will personally seek him out for another exchange during future trips to his area.

Thank you again, waketrucker. cdune
Reviewed by cdune 2014-06-01 19:21 [10087/P]

masseurneedsu Highly Recommended
Pahrump, Nevada, United States of America
I was able to do an exchange with masseurneedsu and he is everything others state him to be.

It did not take long to be in his presence to realize how genuine and nice of a fellow masseurneedsu is. Due to work obligations, I needed to call and let him know that I would not make it to Albany that evening as was planned. masseurneedsu willingly offered to travel to me, which made it such that we could still do the exchange, and I am so grateful and glad that he did for our exchange made for a most pleasant experience.

He was very appreciative and complimentary of the massage that he received, which as we all know, means a lot. As for the massage that he gave, it was truly one-of-a-kind. While the pressure was consistently firm, it was a good “firm” and never hurt. As for the uniqueness of the massage, throughout the entire massage there were ongoing, unexpected techniques used. What stands out the most was while I was experiencing somewhat tradition strokes on the back, the next thing I knew was masseurneedsu had carefully turned me onto my side and was stretching me in that area. It was almost like being on a roller-coaster ride where you think after the moment, what a great curve that was that I just experienced. masseurneedsu too checked in with me throughout the time he provided me my massage. While the majority of the strokes were firm, the moments that he used soft strokes they were very gentle and pleasant.

masseurneedsu, I look forward to our next exchange.
Reviewed by cdune 2014-03-10 09:02 [9686/P]

blkstallion Highly Recommended
Los Angeles, California, United States
I had the good fortune to recently do an exchange with blkstallion; both the receiving and giving turned out to be most enjoyable experiences.

blkstallion provided a fantastic massage. His pressure was somewhat firm, but not too much so, and felt good. He often used both hands, which covered greater area. Special kudos to how he massaged the buttocks area. Without a doubt, his technique to massaging that area is unlike any other I have ever experienced, and for certain the best massage to that area of my body I have ever received.

Massaging blkstallion was just as enjoyable, if not more so. His skin is incredibly smooth and its texture silk like. In addition, he has a toned body; all features making for an ideal body to massage.

Too, it was pleasant conversing with blkstallion. He is an interesting person and easy to talk with.

I would highly recommend blkstallion as a massage partner. Thanks again, blkstallion; it is hoped that we can do it again.
Reviewed by cdune 2014-01-19 16:09 [9419/P]

crdoug Highly Recommended
Oakland Park, Florida, United States
I had the pleasure of exchanging massages with crdoug and what a pleasure it was. First of all, his home is waterview, making for an awesome backdrop. Also, crdoug was easy to engage and get to know, likewise feel comfortable with before the exchange even started. As for the massage itself, he gives an extremely relaxing and mesmerizing massage; most notably he does a lot of his work using both hands at the same time. While lying there, you feel him gracefully moving over your body, however, in greater volume. There were also moments where his touch was very sensual feeling. He is extremely gifted in this area. You cannot go wrong with doing an exchange with this individual. I know I look forward to my next time. Thanks again, crdoug.
Reviewed by cdune 2013-10-17 17:46 [8978/P]

MossVT Highly Recommended
Killington, Vermont, United States
MossVT and I recently exchanged massages with one another, and he is deserving of being highly recommended and known about.

While his overall massage was enjoyable, the following outstanding features make it worth your while to exchange massages with him. First of all, he is a pleasant guy and genuinely interested and dedicated to massage. There were no other agendas with him. Secondly, he had and brought a table for us to use. He also introduced to me the use of corn starch instead of oil or lotion, which took me by total surprise - yet was much enjoyed. Its silky texture provided for a more true and sensual skin-to-skin sensation. (Note to fellow readers, I definitely recommend you trying it at least once to see for yourself if you have never used corn starch.) Last, but definitely not least, his soft touches were incredible to the skin. He definitely possesses an innate ability in this area.

I definitely HIGHLY RECOMMEND MossVT if you are drawn to such traits. I know I will re-contact him when I return to his area. Thanks again, MossVT.
Reviewed by cdune 2013-06-21 09:09 [8385/P]

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