ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

doneright Highly Recommended
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
I had the pleasure of Hosting doneright who was visiting from out of town. Having many things in common other than massage made for a very enjoyable experience. We were able to get in two separate sessions, one a 4-hand that gave me a chance to try new techniques. doneright is a great communicator, looking forward to another visit in the future.
Reviewed by Kuonen 2021-03-28 12:54 [24265/P]

afg Highly Recommended
Prescott, Arizona, United States of America
afg hosted a very nice massage exchange. He is an easy going and relaxing guy with a lot of knowledge. Always fun to hang out with a real professional and learn different techniques. My experience was definitely worth the drive up from Phoenix.
Reviewed by Kuonen 2020-08-09 15:11 [23523/P]

25963 Highly Recommended
Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Had a wonderful massage session with 25963. He brought body scrub that was a great start, very relaxing. The extended sensual massage was an excellent combination of deep tissue and lighter touch. Really enjoyed his visit, a very easy going guy.
Reviewed by Kuonen 2020-08-09 14:04 [23522/P]

Pedalpusher Highly Recommended
Prahran, Victoria, Australia
I had a wonderful massage Exchange with Pedal Pusher. Even without a massage table he was able to improvise with different props giving me a very relaxing massage. He is a very professional person and learning from him was a real pleasure.
Reviewed by Kuonen 2019-09-10 08:16 [21924/P]

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