ReviewsReviews Authored
MLDallas Highly Recommended
Dallas, Texas, United States
Mitch was great. Very relaxing. Would highly recommend.
Reviewed by Dallas123 2018-07-15 06:30 [18795/P]

departures14 Highly Recommended
Tampa, Florida, United States of America
session was not rushed. He spent a good deal of time on me. Much better than the massages you pay for.

He taught me a thing or too. Great energy.

Great to converse with as well. Wanted to make sure I was comfortable the whole way through and always checking in with me.

Would trade with again.
Reviewed by Dallas123 2016-10-09 08:28 [14943/P]

Reviews are opinions of individual members. Opinions by their nature are subjective and can vary dramatically from member to member. neither agrees with nor verifies the accuracy of member reviews and is not responsible for such content.