ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

AAAMAXO Highly Recommended
Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
After a considerable period of communication AAAMAXO and I finally organised a swap. As he was passing through Sydney, he came to visit me. Conversation was effortless because of our previous chats. His generosity was evident in both his nature and massage style. He indulged me with strong, luxurious strokes and his focus was clearly on me with an eagerness to please. Excellent qualities. It was a pleasure to swap with AAAMAXO. He is calm, relaxed and felt comfortable during our session. I recommend an exchange. You will enjoy his company.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2024-06-15 18:10 [29930/P]

Ricochet Highly Recommended
McKinnon, Australia
Ricochet was holidaying in Sydney so I had the pleasure of hosting our recent exchange. I’m so glad he found time to commit. He was punctual even having to negotiate Sydney transport system.

Although his massage style is gentler, he still managed to find some more tender spots. It was very soothing.

Prior communication was consistent so when we eventually met, conversation flowed easily .

I immediately found Ricochet to be a very caring person and an unselfish massage partner. Fine qualities. So arrange a swap today with Ricochet.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2023-02-23 16:03 [27731/P]

Bluelagoon Highly Recommended
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Bluelagoon does beautiful work!
He visited me yesterday afternoon arriving right on the dot of the arranged hour. As is appropriate, we chatted before our session and it was easy to discover Blulagoon's kind and gentle nature. He worked on me first using a variety of strokes and pressure from generous effleurage and alternating to specific techniques targeting muscular issues, all expertly delivered with confidence. His focus was on my comfort ensuring that essential positive experience of touch. When he had finished there was a sense of energetic calmness in the room. I feel that we connected well which made our exchange so absolutely pleasurable. If the opportunity arises, take Bluelagoon up on the offer of a swap. There will be no disappointment. I certainly hope to repeat the encounter.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2022-03-06 10:36 [26092/P]

mdd Highly Recommended
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
mdd and I swapped only just yesterday. Our correspondence was positive so I was assured that this opportunity was going to be a pleasant one. I hosted and at first meeting he presented a genuine smile and an energy that seemed somewhat youthful. Our session would be time well-spent and easy. A powerfully built chap, his repertoire of strokes, at the moment, includes those that are gentle and gliding to some deeper elbow work, all of which I found to be enjoyable and stimulating. There was focus and care in his touch, basic qualities in a massage partner to ensure a delightful experience.

"Thank you mdd, for being present." He is punctual and polite and I encourage other members to enjoy his company.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2022-02-06 22:56 [25936/P]

ma55ageX Highly Recommended
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
We communicated regularly in the days leading up to our exchange so, when ma55ageX arrived at my place there was, at once, a sense of familiarity and ease. While he calls himself a novice, I would describe him as an adventurer with an keenness for knowledge, indicating that he has a commitment to the art. I remember commenting on the softness of his hands and the warmth of his touch. It is said that practice makes perfect, so welcome ma55ageX into your space and encourage mutual pursuits. He is amiable, chatty and interesting because he is interested. I look forward to another exchange in the future.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2022-01-23 14:32 [25846/P]

Ozibottom Highly Recommended
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
I had a swap with Ozibottom at his place. First of all he greeted me warmly in his front yard, pretty much at the gate. How Aussie! He invited me inside and showed me to his table. We chatted easily and he made me feel most welcomed. Aware of our height difference it was not a problem to adjust the table for me. In keeping with the continuity of positive energy he provided an excellent and luxuriant massage delivering strokes that varied from firm to gentle. Have a go with Ozibottom. You will be treated by his hospitality and generosity.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2022-01-12 00:06 [25794/P]

BestOnShow25 Highly Recommended
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Such vibrant and positive energy. First impressions when BestOnShow25 arrived punctually at my place today. We chatted easily for a while before going to my Treatment Room. We continued our chat about this, that and the other making it apparent that time was not an issue. That being the case, his massage was unrushed and focussed, with fluid strokes administered from his strong capable hands. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday, hey! There is genuine thoughtfulness and care. His enthusiasm and intention will always be a gift to me and I felt safe. I feel privileged to be among those who have had an exchange with him. He is most engaging and very present. This kind Human Being is not to be overlooked and I, for one, will look forward to another encounter with BestOnShow25.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2022-01-08 23:08 [25779/P]

Moebius1 Highly Recommended
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
I am still quite jubilant about being able to, once again, participate in massage swaps after three months of lockdown. Moebius1 was the first and it was very nice, fun. He came around to mine impeccably on time and presented himself immediately as polite, cordial and pleased to be here. We chatted easily, largely about massage. We touched on intention of the provider, introduction through touch, focusing on the person on the table and being present in this situation. It is evident that Moebius1 has an innate understanding of these concepts so a perfect heart from which to grow as a perceptive massage provider. It was a lovely, unrushed way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I’m sure you will find the same should you meet up with him.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2021-10-17 22:51 [25422/P]

msgseeker Highly Recommended
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Msg seeker came to visit me at mine. We chatted easily before getting down to the business of massage. His combination of strokes were applied with intuitive touch and it was a pleasure to return the gesture. His open mindedness and candid nature made our session a positive and satisfying experience.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2020-11-22 12:23 [23860/P]

AntsNZ Highly Recommended
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
I feel very fortunate that we were able to spend the better part of a day massaging. I was on the table first. AntsNZ's knowledge of the body is evident in his accurate and effective technique. I felt comfortable with him so conversation was easy and engaging. A pleasant day all up and I would be most appreciative of another exchange.
Reviewed by CharlieG42 2019-05-31 22:21 [21135/P]

Reviews are opinions of individual members. Opinions by their nature are subjective and can vary dramatically from member to member. neither agrees with nor verifies the accuracy of member reviews and is not responsible for such content.