ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

starbuxguy Highly Recommended
Santa Clarita, California, United States
This man is very modest. I've had people that touted experience and training do Far Far Below what this man is capable of and is doing.

Like I said before this man's a natural.

He might not know what the anatomical names or terms for things but he did address my PEC minor's attachments on my coracoid process better than most professionals and it in a very pleasant way.

That along with his attention to the adductors of the lower limbs, also; very thorough and very pleasant

If I had to describe it it was somewhat like a blending of Thai massage and Nuru Massage

It was a real treat that he was able to squeeze me in just before I need to leave to teach class tonight, my students may not know it:but they are lucky that this happened cuz I'm less bitchy
Reviewed by ReikiBodyworker 2018-02-13 20:11 [17997/P]

starbuxguy Highly Recommended
Santa Clarita, California, United States
I just finished receiving my first massage from starbuxguy (who attests to this being the FIRST massage he's ever done). Hard to believe it's his first! He was too good. His technique was mostly deep tissue, and well done. He covered all areas with fluid motion and manipulation. Either he's a natural, or he's had training somewhere! It was terrific! I enjoyed the whole experience, and felt very relaxed and sore-muscle free. Well done starbuxguy! Thank you so much. Look forward to meetings in the future.
Reviewed by afg 2015-10-26 18:36 [12744/P]

Reply from starbuxguy of 2015-10-27
Thanks again. You are much too kind. Yes it was my first.

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