ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

Smason10453 Highly Recommended
Jeffersonville, Indiana, United States of America
This is an updated review
I had another great massage session with Smason10453 last week. And as I expected, it was just an amazing one! She was friendly, calming, professional and very easy going. She really has great, strong, and at the same time, gentle and warm hands, an amazing, intuitive touch and truly can read your body, your energy and has the ability to address any issue you may have. This lady is a gem and should be treated as such. Well, she offered to gift me with her touch first and I instantly agreed. Oh, boy, I felt like I was in angel's hands as she worked my muscles and allowed the energy to flow freely. From light touch to firm, she seemed to know what needed attention and how to best handle it in order to provide complete rejuvenation of my sore body. Total relaxation and pure bliss!
Then we switched. When I massaged her, she was clear on areas to focus on or to avoid, she communicates exactly what she needed and what she needed attention to the most. I was very glad that I could give her the exact massage she craved for.
I am looking forward to the possibilities of connecting again sometime down the road of life... Thank you for being such an amazing person!
Highly recommended!
Reviewed by userboard 2022-03-28 19:59 [26045/P]

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