ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

Gblank Highly Recommended
Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
I had a wonderful exchange with Gblank. He is very good at
Lomi Lomi as well as Esalen. He did a combination of both on
me. If only he did not live so far away we could do it more
often. We worked on each other for an hour each and it was
all good.

If you get the chance to have a trade with this person by all
means you should.
Reviewed by dms1257 2013-01-10 19:05 [7448/P]

Gblank Highly Recommended
Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
My first trade with Gary was very enjoyable. He is very pleasant and nurturing. I had a Lomi Lomi/Esalen combination type massage and found it to be a wonderful and relaxing experience.
I just finished my second trade. Gary is a very warm and personable guy. I feel very safe and at ease under his soothing touch and professional manner. Time was way too short and I look forward to another trade soon. I give him the highest recommendation.
Reviewed by coa 2006-10-18 15:45 [201/P]

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