ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

LightShiner Highly Recommended
Toledo, Ohio, United States
I very much enjoyed LightShiner's massage. He does energy work in a way I had not experienced with a massage beforehand. He is intuitive, warm, friendly and has a wonderful touch. A great experience that I recommend highly.
Reviewed by jugg 2015-08-12 21:46 [12368/P]

guydoune Highly Recommended
Chambly, Quebec, Canada
A wonderful massage-exchange at guydoune's place. He is friendly and welcoming and is obviously doing what he loves when he gives a massage. He has a room dedicated to massage with music and tapestries, which I found relaxing and centring.

The massage itself was not only skillful, but it also just-plain felt great. guydoune did nice work on the knots in my back, deep enough to work them away, but without it being painful. He alternates between focusing his hands on problem areas and giving all-over, feel-good strokes to relax you and smooth everything out.

You won't be sorry if you exchange with guydoune.
Reviewed by jugg 2013-02-10 12:59 [7645/P]

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