ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

FlowerChild73 Highly Recommended
Bloomington, Minnesota, United States of America
I had a great exchange session with FlowerChild73. She was a wonderful recipient that I was able to run thru and practice all my routines with. She also gave me a great intro to Reiki and her own combo of light touch that left me relaxed and refreshed. I look forward to repeating when our schedules permit.
Reviewed by DruidMpls 2021-10-26 19:48 [25473/P]

AAShealingtouch Highly Recommended
Crystal, Minnesota, United States
AA and I exchanged several messages and were able to arrange a time to meet. Our first time we were able to exchange both of us, We chatted quite a bit thru both massages and were able to trade feedback and hints as we went which was useful. She was very receptive to the massage I gave and gave a great massage in return. Hopefully we will find further opportunities to get together, Highly recommended!
Reviewed by DruidMpls 2020-06-05 22:51 [23283/P]

zap14 Highly Recommended
Chisago City, Minnesota, United States
Had a great time with Zap. She was an excellent ‘practice body’. She was on time to our agreement. We spent a bit discussing ourselves then went into some detail about what she liked and expected from a massage. As for the massage itself, she was a good, receptive ‘client’...easy to work on and gave some good feedback. Highly recommended,..hopefully will have opportunities to work with her again.
Reviewed by DruidMpls 2020-05-28 15:04 [23267/P]

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