ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Recommended

doneright Highly Recommended
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
doneright provided a massage long time ago (I was unable to get to this as I forgot to long time ago). I apologize for the delay :(.

doneright is very friendly and very accomodating. He made sure i was very comfortable and showed great personality. He shared smiles and friendliness and carried great social conversations. He was extremely professional and knowledgeable. He was able to show me new ways of doing massage and was very good in teaching me new ways of providing massage. Unfortunately, I was unable to do an exchange with him as there were time complications with family members.

I would highly recommend him as he is very good at what he does and also is an extremely cool and kind person.
Reviewed by theblueman 2019-03-25 07:02 [20626/P]

Reply from doneright of 2019-03-25
Thanks again for the opportunity to pass on knowledge during our time in Vegas. And yes I was disappointed that you were not able to provide a massage back trying out what the new ways. Hopefully we get to practice again in an another exchange in the future.

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