ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

dwhit Highly Recommended
Marietta, Georgia, United States
I had an awesome exchange session with dwhit:) He was professional, personable and kind. I was experiencing pain in my shoulder and their use of trigger point therapy relieved my shoulder and neck greatly! I would recommend him to anyone in need of exchanging excellent massage with a really cool guy:) Awesome hands and presence.
Reviewed by Love22 2013-07-08 20:20 [8481/P]

dwhit Highly Recommended
Marietta, Georgia, United States
Dwit, while he says that he is a "novice" is a caring and intuitive massage exchange partner.

We exchanged e-mails and phone calls and he made me feel very comfortable and so I hosted.

He is fun, relaxed and comfortable in his own skin...a delightful person and I hope that we can exchange again.
Reviewed by irishblest 2013-01-07 17:00 [7428/P]

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