ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

readyguy Highly Recommended
Milford, Ohio, United States
I had the privilege and the pleasure to meet up with readyguy on a recent business trip to Dayton. It took only a few emails to set up date and time and he showed up as agreed. I enjoyed the exchange with readyguy and I picked up some interesting new techniques that I will use in my future exchanges. readyguy was very interesting to talk with, and was very engaging during the exchange. I will give him 5 stars. Don't pass up an opportunity to exchange with readyguy, I know I won't.
Reviewed by massguynola 2019-02-23 07:03 [20427/P]

readyguy Highly Recommended
Milford, Ohio, United States
readyguy and I exchanged massage. It was a non-rushed time
He took his time and was concerned about hitting all the areas where stress builds up
It was truly enjoyable for both
Reviewed by budx48 2016-10-03 07:39 [14882/P]

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