ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

peachyd Highly Recommended
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
I had a really nice session with peachyd. She's a very warm person and we were immediately very comfortable with each other. Really clear and open communication made it plain sailing. She was really receptive to the massage style and managed to drop into a relaxed mode very quickly. A great canvas to practice on and I'd thoroughly recommend a session.
Reviewed by Relax86 2022-12-10 04:14 [27399/P]

Willingmassage Highly Recommended
Devizes, England, United Kingdom
After chatting on ME, I had a great session with Willingmassage, hosted in my treatment room. She is an incredibly warm, open and friendly person. She was very receptive to the massage and there was an immediate ease, depth of connection and understanding between us which is a rare gift. I would definitely recommend a session with her.
Reviewed by Relax86 2022-10-12 22:26 [27150/P]

Courtneyheaven Highly Recommended
Exeter, England, United Kingdom
A lovely spirit and instructive receiver, she requested maximum presence and fluidity to go with whatever felt natural which allowed for some creative license. A mix of Hawaiian with a sprinkle of Swedish strokes for some tight spots.

The setting wasn’t ideal for either of us and I had limited time, so look forward to practicing with her again.
Reviewed by Relax86 2019-02-10 22:21 [20343/P]

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