ReviewsReviews Authored

Average rating: Highly Recommended

Producerguy Highly Recommended
Montpellier, Occitania, France
The produce guy is very calm and experienced.
I came in a little anxious I had a long drive. He calmly brought me into the space. He played soothing music. He had Great healing touches. You can really feel that his heart is into the massage and he give you 100 percent of his attention. He is focused. not overly chatty. But easy to talk to. Super cool guy.
Reviewed by okrelax 2019-06-19 18:01 [21311/P]

MikeMasseur Recommended
Fullerton, California, United States
This is it was very easy to talk to. It was very comfortable and a relaxing experience
Reviewed by okrelax 2019-05-30 07:08 [21119/P]

Reply from MikeMasseur of 2019-05-30
Thank you, I had a nice time too.

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