♂ Male
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Bodywork Enthusiast
♂ Male48
Therapeutic seeking ♀ Females
H Mitchellville, Maryland, USA 5953mi/9524km MAP
Bodywork Background
  Me Seeking
Status Bodywork Enthusiast
Therapeutic massage
Experience 10 years any
Bodywork Given Unanswered any
Formal Training No any
• Chair Massage
• Deep Tissue Integration
• Deep Tissue Massage
• Energy Healing
• Massage
• On-Site Massage
• Relaxation Massage
Personal Information
  Me Seeking
Age 48 30 to 50
Height 5'7" (170 cm) 4'5" (135 cm) to 6'10" (208 cm)
Build A few extra pounds
    A few extra pounds
Language Skills
No Credentials Request Identity Credentials
Covid Vaccination Unanswered
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I Can Host
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My Gifts (0)

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More About Me (Therapeutic Directory)
It began in college, i was a percussionist in the marching band and at the end of practice the dancers and flag girls where always stretching and trying to relax from strenuous practice/workouts. My Girlfriend at the time was one of the dancers and would always ask me to massage her legs and shoulders right there on the field after practice. Some how there was a line of ladies asking if they could be next. So there is began i would watch the trainers and mimic their techniques. There after i began to study different techniques and then my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and the doctor said that it was good for her to receive massages, so i would always massage her back to relieve tension.
Member for 5 years
Last Login 17 months ago

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