
Massage in the Nude?

As a masssage giver, will you also be nude?
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I'll bring it up as an option only it's a friend or a select few
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Votes: 1003 Male 39 Female 1042 Total
Member Comments ?
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
What ever gets us to a massage, I’m cool with.  Communicating this before we get to a time, date and place is part of my routine.  And you are free to change your mind once we get together no questions asked.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I am comfortable in my own skin so will always be nude.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I've gotten use to working on my partner in the nude as either we keep the room temp up so they are comfortable or I recieve first and just switch right away.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
As the massage is all about the receiver, then they are free to state a preference, I am comfortable with whatever option they would prefer.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
If we're trading and don't have a proper table, but instead have to use a bed or the floow, then we have to switch frequently In such cases we both wind up being nude, which is no problem for me.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I like to be asked to be naked..but usually wear shorts
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I never even thought about it! Good idea, for sure
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Good either way. Ultimately think massage should be done nude.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Asking is ok.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
I'm comfortable either way
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Go with the flow
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
I am not ashamed of my body and have been exercising to keep the weight down and keep the body I had in the Marines. If it is requested, and partner wishes to be nude, I have no reservations. Would be awkward at first, especially if first encounter.

You'll never live your life if you don't take any chances and one of the most vulenerable moments is when you have nothing to fear or hide
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I tend to get warm as the massage goes on. If I feel like I have to check with the person I'm massaging. Nothing like being naked giving a massage
I'll bring it up as an option only it's a friend or a select few
If the partner is comfortable with nudity.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I tend to get warm giving a massage so I tend to peal my clothes off.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
I can be in the nude if that is ok with you
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Not an issue, or a requirement. But I enjoy nudity generally and I’m totally comfortable if partner is.
I don't massage in the nude, but manages to lose my shorts quite often as most of the women's hands get to moving around.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I state that I am only interested in all nude and undraped massage. I don’t want to deal with taking clothes off when my massage partners are ready for sex.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Open to whatever the experience is that is wanted. Having both be nude is a preference however.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I am open to whatever my client wishes
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I tend to be chatting as we both strip-off, then ask who is going first? If it is somebody with a lot less experience of massage I may suggest I work on their back first, then we can swap over to practice some of the new strokes. Some people actually say on their profile, what they prefer.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I'm mostly nude
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Generally I find that the massage is more relaxed if both parties are nude.
Communication = Comfort for partners, it’s on you to ask
Jock strap required. Massage serious only. No genital contact! No “happy endings.” No sex .
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Nude is always best, the natural is the only way but it’s not a deal breaker. I’m easy let’s just have fun exploring.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Love being nude
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I'm happy to be naked if its a sensual and erotic massage, I'm dressed if it's just a muscle rub.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I can be as unclothed as you are comfortable with
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I'm comfortable either way.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Love to share. to be nude for massage
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I am always nude.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Comfort and communication are key
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Absolutely I would only be nude if my partner is ok with it
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Totally up to partner.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Happy to massage in the nude or not, totally cool either way.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I prefer both reciever & giver to be nude, but will honor anyones request to remain clothed
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Although nude is the best, it will be up to my partners comfort level.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
We can discuss how comfortable you feel, and whatever we agree is fine
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Nude is best
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Skin on skin the best
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I will bring it up but comfortable clothed or nude.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Really enjoy skin on skin, but also want my partner comfortable
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Whatever is comfortable for my guest. I am a nudist so I'm comfortable either way.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
I want to ensure that my massage partner is comfortable whatever the decision on nudity
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
would love it
I'll bring it up as an option only it's a friend or a select few
Ive come to realize that 1. nudists fully understand that nudity itself isnt sexual. 2. The vast majority of people arent nudists.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I am an avid nudist, very at ease with nude massage.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Their comfort amd pleasure is what matters most. If they never bring it up, I may offer it as an option after a couple of sessions
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
It’s easier to massage and connect to someone
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I'm usually nude at home so if I host that would be my preference but is not a necessity. Happily nude at your request at your location.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
What’s most important is their pleasure.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
It's often requested so I'm comfortable with being naked
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Nude is the only way to really give a full body massage. Discuss this before meeting, no surprises. Also discuss no fly zones, there may be some, even though both folks are nude.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Nude is the best way to give and receive a massage, however AI respect differences and celebrate.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I would definitely prefer to be nude and think that with as easily as I can get nude with permission why be a little more tactful, I feel this is almost mlm unrequested dick pick status this also implies that all recipients must be nude, is this true?
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I am ok what my partner's preferences is
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Showing off and being nude is the only way. Helps get down to what both May want.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I enjoy being nude.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
In my experiences of working in and around sport's and medical facilities, lady's are more hesitant to disrobe than men.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I prefer nude either way but I'll do whatever she is comfortable with doing
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Yes I tend to say naked is my preference - and very often it's preferred by my massage partner too :-)
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I prefer nude either way but I'll do whatever she is comfortable with
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Discuss with me first.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Especially when it comes to a sensual massage, I prefer the giver and receiver to both be nude, even if draping is involved. It creates an openness and connection. However I respect personal choices, and nudity is not an invitation for crossing boundaries without consent.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
As a receiver, I prefer the giver to be nude as well...
However mutual comfort is priority.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
I think I prefer it but I want what ever makes the client feel at ease. I think both being nude it is more relaxing & less tension so both can concentrate on giving & getting the massage & less about what might happen.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
such a better connection
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I think it is more relaxing when both men are nude, it helps to make each feel safe, secure and on equal footing.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I couldn't imagine not being naked with another naked guy for massage.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Prefer nude massage by both
I'll bring it up as an option only it's a friend or a select few
I always discuss it and don't assume anything.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I prefer to use massage oil on my finger tips as it enhances sensitivity so that makes me a clothing minimalist.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Mutually agreed comfort levels always.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Nude is so natural when having massage time. Saves unnecessary wasted time when the massage begins and you can “read” each other’s body and the “needs”
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
My preference is to be nude as long as my partner is comfortable with that. It allows us both to explore the sensual side of the massage in a more mutual manner.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I prefer both of us to be nude, but I understand some guys might like to keep covered whilst massaging, me, I prefer to be nude from the moment the door is closed :)
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Have never had an exchange where my partner and I were not nude
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Whatever you want
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I anticipate that for a sensual massage both parties would be nude. I would be wearing shorts & t-shirt that could come off quickly when we decide to go fully nude.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I prefer to massage in the nude.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Normally I wear a t-shirt and shorts or something like that but if the client wants me nude I can do that too but I love being touched when giving a massage it happens. I love being nude also I also do a external prostate rub and u probably will get erect but it always happens to men..I do 3 types of massage deep tissue and sensual massage and erotic massage.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Whatever makes everyone comfortable.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I always want the receiver to be comfortable, so I check in with them. Generally I prefer to be nude, but if the receiver is the slightest bit uncomfortable with that, I'll stay as clothed as they prefer.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
defiantly nude
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
It would depend on type of massage. If therapeutic, I wouldn’t bring it up. If sensual, nude would be my default, but would check if OK.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
If I am the first to give I won't bring it up. I prefer receiving nude so if I am the second to give, I will ask if I should redress.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
As a receiver I prefer the giver to be nude as well
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I would rather be in the nude when doing massages...I'll let the other person know to
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I look awesome giving massages in a kilt
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Its the only way for a proper massage
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Must be mutually agreed.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I love it to be natural with skin on skin so nice
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I’m sure the vast majority of users on this site understand the game….
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
You can have me whatever way makes you comfortable, relaxed and smiling.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Absolutely. It's relaxing (or should be) for both participants.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I'll be nude if asked to be. I do like being nude while giving a massage
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
It depends on the type of massage and the environment. I don't default to being nude when giving, but I'm ok being so if my partner doesn't object. Whatever everyone is comfortable with.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
I can be either...I'm comfortable nude or clothed.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I am a naturist / nudist ambient temperature allowing:-) I can put on clothes if this makes yu uncomfortable.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Oils and lotions can stain clothes and I am happy nude
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Just like to be nude everyone's on the same level
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
always nude as long as partner appeoves
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Absolutely, I love nude massage.  Hate draping
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Nude is the best ,I love body to body contact.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Whatever comforts you will comfort me :)
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I prefer nude and so do most of my partners
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Both nude during an exchange is best, but some people like to wait for the second exchange to be nude together.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Upon request.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Preference is nude. It allows longer strokes
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Both individuals nude provides for a more relaxed interaction.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
I prefer nude, but the comfort of all is more important.
I won't bring it up, but I will be nude if so requested by partner
Upon request
I'll bring it up as an option only it's a friend or a select few
non nude is the only way to begin
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I am a nudist and really enjoy massaging nude.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
Nudity is my natural state, however I realize that a lot of people would not be comfortable with that. I will work with anyone either nude or dressed by mutual consent.
I state that nude is my default (and check with partner if that's OK)
I just like being nude.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Being comfortable and caring about others comfort comes first
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
Nudity for massage is not necessarily unprofessional.
I have no default, but I bring it up as an option with most partners
It's all about being comfortable!
Poll contributed by Tucson

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